Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books Dealing With Tough Subjects

Arrrg!  I find it so hard just to choose ten! So... since I guess the idea is to highlight books I decided to just list more.  So here are my top books dealing with tough subjects (in no particular order because that would just finish me off!)

Hold Still by Nina LaCour
Tackles suicide (and depression) and is absolutely stunning. 

The Hate List by Jennifer Brown
Looks at the aftermath of a school shooting from the POV of the shooters girlfriend.  Brilliantly written - I couldn't put it down.

Dear Zoe by Philip Beard
I go on and on about this book but it really is amazing.  Written in the form of a letter to her younger sister who was killed in a hit and run - it is incredibly powerful and raw.  Just brilliant!

Scarred (aka Willow) by 
Deals with self harm and bereavement - it really struck a cord with me. 

What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton
One of my favourite reads last year - it deals with the repercussions of rape and is brilliantly written.  It also has one of my favourite friendship/romances.

Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar
This also deals with rape and its aftermath - how to move forward.  It exceeded all my expectations when I read it.  And the characterisation is spot on.

Saving Daisy by Phil Earle
Having loved Being Billy I was desperate to read Daisy's story.  This tackles a few issues - all of them head on this and is an amazing story.

Entangled by Cat Clarke
I'd say this tackles the issue of self harm but it's more than that. Just read it!   Bloody amazing!

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
This almost destroyed me.  Such a great story and I loved the relationship between the main character and her dad.

Some Girls Are/ Cracked Up to Be / Fall For Anything/ This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
All of Courtney Summers books tackle tough subjects and have the most amazing characters in them.  I love them all!

You Against Me / Before I Die by Jenny Downham
Both absolutely incredible - Jenny Downham is one of my favourite authors.

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
A romance between a brother and sister. Completely broke my heart - I'm still not sure I've recovered.

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
The first Dessen book I've read and totally brilliant.  It also manages to tackle two tough subjects with equal brilliance.

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
Such an uncomfortable read but definitely powerful.

And I'm itching to list more ... but will refrain!

What are your top reads dealing with tough subjects? 


Nikki S said...

So many titles I want to read! Hate List, Second Chance Summer, Raw Blue, and What Happens Next! I don't read too many books that tackle tough issues, but these all sound amazing!Great list!


Cecelia said...

I've read the Dessen on your list, but not any of the others. It looks as though I have some catching up to do! Thanks for sharing your picks.

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

So many amazing boks on that list! I love it when tough issues are tackled sensitively and with style.


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