Sunday, 31 July 2011

In My Mailbox (102)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren


Blood Ninja by Nick Lake
Blood Ninja II Revenge of Lord Oda by Nick Lake
I really fancy trying these.  Different from what I would normally pick up.

The Legacy by Gemma Malley
I have a hardback of this so look out for a giveaway for this one later in the week!

Shimmer by Alyson Noel
I really enjoyed Radiance so I'm looking forward to this one!

Lottie Biggs is NOT Tragic by Hayley Long
I still haven't started this series but it looks great!  I have book 2 as well so I will start there.

Hades by Alexandra Adornetto
Another series I haven't started yet!  I so need to - it looks awesome!

Circle of Fire by Michelle Zink
Eek!  Another series I really need to read.  I have all the books so I must get reading!  Love the covers for this series!

Massive thanks to all the publishers who sent books for review:)


Ten Things We Shouldn't Have Done by Sarah Mlynowski
I so want to read this!  Looks major awesome!

The Truth about Celia Frost by Paula Rawsthorne
I've heard so many great things about this one already!

Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
This was recommended to be by a friend.  Love the cover!

Pearl by Jo Knowles
Want to Go Private? by Sarah Darer Littman
Both of these are for the Contemps Challenge - which I am failing to complete:(

Love Story by Jennifer Echols
Thanks to Galley Grab I have already read this - another awesome book by Echols!  Review to come soon:)

Hope you have all had a great week:)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Fall For Anything by Courtney Summers

From Goodreads: From the author of Cracked Up to Be and Some Girls Are comes a gripping story about one girl’s search for clues into the mysterious death of her father.

When Eddie Reeves’s father commits suicide her life is consumed by the nagging question of why? Why when he was a legendary photographer and a brilliant teacher? Why when he seemed to find inspiration in everything he saw? And, most important, why when he had a daughter who loved him more than anyone else in the world? When she meets Culler Evans, a former student of her father’s and a photographer himself, an instant and dangerous attraction begins. Culler seems to know more about her father than she does and could possibly hold the key to the mystery surrounding his death. But Eddie’s vulnerability has weakened her and Culler Evans is getting too close. Her need for the truth keeps her hanging on...but are some questions better left unanswered?

Honestly, I have no idea how Courtney Summer's does it but she blows me away every time. This is such a sad story but at the same time I couldn't stop myself from reading, or thinking about Eddie.  There is something so raw and powerful about it - it was as if I was witnessing something I shouldn't.

The story is centered around Eddie and her friend Milo.  Eddie's father has recently committed suicide, her mother is not dealing with it at all and Eddie herself desperately needs to know why he did it.  When she meets Culler, her father's student, she believes he can help provide the answers she seeks...

As I said earlier reading this felt as if I was witnessing something I shouldn't - but it was as if the book had me in a strangle hold.  As uncomfortable I felt at times - the grief and vulnerability Eddie feels is palpable to the reader  -  I couldn't tear myself away.  I'm not sure I've read such a realistic portrayal of grief  - with someone trying to come to terms with not only the death of her father but also being the one who found him.

Having said all this I appreciate this might not be to everybody's taste.  It's painful honesty doesn't make this a bundle of laughs to read.  Instead it's like an emotional slap to the face - intense and full of exposed emotion -  but I love the characters Courtney Summer's creates - how they feel like real people, flaws and all - and I am a massive fan of her writing.  Since reading her first novel Cracked Up To Be I have looked forward to every new book she releases and I have yet to be disappointed!

Friday, 29 July 2011

We Can Be Heroes Blog Tour: Guest Post

To kick of the We Can Be Heroes Uk Blog Tour I have a guest post from the lovely Catherine Bruton.  So without further ado I shall hand you over...

My first blog tour

There are many important firsts in a girl’s life: first visit from the tooth-fairy (who bought 10p in my day); first kiss (Tim 1, 1989, Warrington Roller Disco – loveliest kiss ever! Tim 2 and his tumble dryer tongue action were a definite let down after that); first car (white Nissan Micra called Noggin); first car crash (Noggin the Nissan – the day after I got her); first heartbreak (Cape Town 1996 – I actually vomited with sadness, giving whole new meaning to the phrase love sick); first Krispy Creme doughnut (yesterday, and seriously do they put that crack drug stuff in them to get you addicted cos I just can’t stop thinking about it?) ... Oh, I’ve lost my train of thought. . . Krispy Cremes, vomiting in the Cape, snogging at the roller rink... Yes, that was it – important firsts.

Anyway, this is my first blog tour. In fact, it’s my first ever blog. Which is exciting - and terrifying at the same time. I’m hoping it’s going to be more like the snog and the Krispy Crème and less like sick-bag, car crash experience. But basically, I’m a blog virgin so you may have to bear with me if I commit terrible blog faux pas or get myself tied up in blog-knots, or whatever. But here goes. . .

So I have this book coming out called ‘We Can be Heroes’ - in three days time, in fact - which is incredibly exciting. In fact, I reckon I need one of those Glee t-shirts. You know that ones that say stuff like ‘Can’t sing’ and ‘Likes boys’ and ‘I’m with stoopid’? Well, I want to get one that says, ‘I wrote a book’, just so everyone knows. Like everyone – the postman, the grumpy blinky lady from the post-office, the mean girls I used to go to school with, George Clooney, Taylor Lautner, Wills and Kate, Harry Potter, Michael Jackson (yes, I know he’s supposed to be dead but I reckon he’s in hiding somewhere with Elvis and the Queen Mum doing karaoke versions of ‘The Man in the Mirror’ and ‘Dirty Diana’ – the QM’s fave!) Basically, everyone!

Anyway, I’m getting off the topic and I think at this point I’m supposed to tell you a bit about my book and a bit about the blog tour and stuff. Right? So here goes. My novel is called ‘We Can be Heroes’. It was inspired by an article I wrote for The Times in 2008 about children who had lost a parent in 9/11 attacks and it tells the story of 12 year old Ben, whose father died on September 11th. He meets 10 year old Priti, a Muslim girl who is convinced her brother is a suicide bomber. The pair, along with Ben's troubled cousin Jed, decide to turn detective to try and foil the bomb plot with hilarious - and explosive - consequences.

We Can be Heroes has been described as 'an outstanding debut', ‘ an important book’, ‘ a remarkable book’, ‘an exceptional debut’, 'one to watch' and compared to ‘The Curious Incident’ by some lovely reviewers (thank you, reviewers, I love you!). In fact, I think I might get all of that on a T-shirt too. Or perhaps just the nice review that said, ‘Bruton is Brilliant’ – which is my new life mantra - and anti-dote to Krispy Creme cravings.

So, I’m totally chuffed to have been asked to do this blog tour, talking about how I came to write the book, the challenges of writing about events like 9/11, my favourite books, my childhood escapades (zombie grannies, piercing ears with fish fingers, locking teachers in cupboards, roller rink adventures etc) and loads of other stuff too. I’ll be blogging on the day my book actually hits the shelves – which might just be a series of squiggles and eeeks! – oh, and if you want to find out a bit more about me I’ll be doing the usual interview stuff too.

So if you want to join me on my magical mystery blog tour over the next few days, remember, you have been warned: I’m a learner blogger with a record of writing off perfectly innocent Nissan Micras and a Krispy Creme habit to feed . So it could be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I promise to give 110% and put my heart and soul into it (and any more Talent TV clichés I can trot out). Right, that’s the safety announcement over. Now here we go - Tooth fairy, Tim 1 , achey breaky heart - eat your heart out, cos I just done written my first ever blog. How cool is that? Over and out!
Thanks Catherine!  How much do I now fancy a Krispy Creme lol!

You can find Catherine at her Website and on Twitter

The next stop on the tour is tomorrow at Wondrous Reads and you can check out the whole schedule to the right on my sidebar.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Cover Wars: Across the Universe

US Hardback   /    US Paperback

I have no idea which I prefer! I love the hardback - the colours and stars, and the way the 'I' in Universe glows, but I also LOVE the paperback one.  There is something very symmetrical about it which pleases me greatly!

What do you think?  Do you prefer the Hardback or Paperback?

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I want to read that...

Where It Began by Ann Redisch Stampler

From Goodreads: Gabby Gardiner wakes up in a hospital bed looking like a cautionary ad for drunk driving and lacking a single memory of the accident that landed her there. What she can remember, in frank and sardonic detail, is the year leading up to the accident.

As she takes us through her transformation from invisible girl to on-trend Girl Who Dates Billy Nash (aka Most Desirable Boy Ever), she is left wondering: Why is Billy suddenly distancing himself from her? What do her classmates know that Gabby herself does not? Who exactly was in the car that night? And why is Gabby left alone to take the fall?

Putting the pieces together will take every ounce of Gabby's strength. As she peels back the layers of her life, she begins to realize that her climb up the status ladder has been as intoxicating as it has been morally complex...and that nothing about her life is what she has imagined it to be.

This sounds major awesome! It reminds me of Rosebush by Michelle Jaffe (which I really need to read!) 

Where It Began is published March 2012 (Simon Pulse US).

Monday, 25 July 2011

Clarity by Kim Harrington

From Goodreads: When you can see things others can't, where do you look for the truth?

This paranormal murder mystery will have teens reading on the edge of their seats.

Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried secrets. All she has to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It's a gift.

And a curse.

When a teenage girl is found murdered, Clare's ex-boyfriend wants her to help solve the case - but Clare is still furious at the cheating jerk. Then Clare's brother - who has supernatural gifts of his own - becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can no longer look away. Teaming up with Gabriel, the smoldering son of the new detective, Clare must venture into the depths of fear, revenge, and lust in order to track the killer. But will her sight fail her just when she needs it most?

Ever since I saw the cover for this I have be dying to read it.  And wow!  It blew me away!

When a girl is found murdered Clare is asked to use her abilities to help solve the case.  Being psychic and able to see things other's can't she feels helping would be the right thing to do.  But it means spending time with her ex boyfriend Justin who cheated on her and the son of the new detective Gabriel who doesn't believe in her abilities. Will her sight help solve the case?  And will she like what she sees...?

I love stories based on psychic abilities.  And this one is just fantastic - kind of like a hybrid of Veronica Mars, Medium and The Dead Zone.  Everything about it works really well.  There is a brilliant mystery, all the lead characters are great and it's also really witty.  I loved that Clare's mother was constantly reading her mind at all the wrong times!

Clare is now one of my favourite characters.  I love how sassy she is!  But she's also really likeable and I found myself really enjoying her company so to speak.  I also loved Justin.  I understand why Clare is mad at him but he is just so nice and he obviously care for her a lot.  Gabriel is also great as the new boy - but I must admit I wasn't sure how much I trusted him!  Of course, there is a bit of a romantic triangle going on here - and I know exactly who I would like her to end up with!

I can't wait for Perception.  It's a bit of a wait (March 2012) but boy-oh-boy do I want to read it.  The ending to Clarity is not a cliffhanger but you will definitely want to read the next one when you finish.  I know I do!

Saturday, 23 July 2011

In My Mailbox (101)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren


The Considine Curse by Gareth P. Jones
This sounds really good fun.

Aftershock by Mark Walden
Does anyone know if I can start with this one or do I need to read the series?  Sounds good though!

Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur
I've heard so many great things about Love, Aubrey I really fancy this one.  Sounds great!

Sister Missing by Sophie McKenzie
Squeeee!  Major happy dance when this one arrived. And the cover is major awesome!

Between by Jessica Warman
This looks sooooo good!  Pitched as 'A Lovely Bones for teens' it sounds right up my street.


Sharks and Boys by Kristen Tracy
I've read this - review coming soon.  Different from what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it.

Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker
There are some really good reviews for this so I'm really looking forward to it.

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
I still need to read Linger but am looking forward to reading both.

Hereafter by Tara Hudson
Sounds fab!  And I really love the cover.

Blindsided by Priscilla Cummings
I've been looking forward to this since I first saw it.  Can't wait to get stuck in.

Girl Parts by John M Cusick
This makes me think of the film Weird Science.  Hope it's as good as it sounds.

The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood [from Twitter - thanks @poisondiaries :)]

Hope you all had a great week:)

Friday, 22 July 2011

Cover to Covet (17)

I LOVE book covers. Love, love love them. So I decided to make it a regular post - each post featuring a cover I love.

I loved the cover for the first book in this series (Clarity) and I think I might love this one even more. It's so pretty and I love her hair! Plus it ties in beautifully with the cover for Clarity!

Perception by Kim Harrington

It's published March 2012.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore

For Review: Random House
Published: 7 July 2011

From Goodreads: Amy Goodnight knows that the world isn't as simple as it seems—she grew up surrounded by household spells and benevolent ghosts. But she also understands that "normal" doesn't mix with magic, and she's worked hard to build a wall between the two worlds. Not only to protect any hope of ever having a normal life.

Ranch-sitting for her aunt in Texas should be exactly that. Good old ordinary, uneventful hard work. Only, Amy and her sister, Phin, aren't alone. There's someone in the house with them—and it's not the living, breathing, amazingly hot cowboy from the ranch next door.

It's a ghost, and it's more powerful than the Goodnights and all their protective spells combined. It wants something from Amy, and none of her carefully built defenses can hold it back.

This is the summer when the wall between Amy's worlds is going to come crashing down.

Ever since reading The Splendour Falls I have been looking forward to a new book by Rosemary Clement-Moore.  I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed this one even more.

The story follows Amy, who doesn't have a typical family.  For her family,  ghosts and spells are the norm.  So she spends her time being a buffer for them and the 'real' world. But when she goes to ranch-sit for her aunt in Texas this proves harder than it should.  Add in the gorgeous cowboy that lives on the ranch next door and things get even more complicated...especially when you add a persistent ghost to the mix...

And that gorgeous cowboy is definitely gorgeous!  I so loved the character of Ben, even if he is Mr Cranky-pants!  And I loved the chemistry between him and Amy.  So good!  I also really liked Amy and her sister Phin.  Phin is mega crazy - but really likeable and Amy is the perfect narrator for the story.  It's so easy to like and relate to her.

The story is great and I can honestly say I didn't work out what was going on.  It's also really funny - I loved the scene with the!  Less than halfway through this I jumped on the Internet and ordered myself a copy of Rosemary Clement-Moore's other book Prom Dates From Hell and I can't wait to get stuck in.

Seriously good!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

I want to read that... (Random House 2011/2012 Highlights)

There are so many awesome sounding books being released by Random House I am beyond excited! So I thought I'd do a special edition of my I want to read that... post and share them with you :)


Bumped by Megan McCafferty
I heard great things about this author and I love the concept!

This Dark Endeavour by Kenneth Oppel
This sounds major awesome and I can't wait to get stuck in!

Dearly Departed by Lia Habel
Love story?  Zombies?  Yep, I'm there:)

Wolfspring Chronicles: Unleashed by Nancy Holder & Debbie Vigue
A retelling of King Lear - this sounds really, really good!

The Adventures of the New Cut Gang by Phillip Pullman
I haven't read any of Philip Pullmans books (!!!) - maybe I should start here?

Runelights by Joanne Harris
I still really need to read Runemarks - the first in this series - I have it on good authority it's brilliant!

Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
Do I need to say anything about this one?

The Haunting of Charity Delafield by Ian Beck
This story was inspired by the cover image - a gorgeous looking book and it sounds absolutely amazing.  I can't wait to get a copy in my hands!


Kiss, Date, Love, Hate by Luisa Plaja
Squeeeeee!  I can't wait for this one.  LOVE the concept and the cover is awesome!

Mortal Kiss 2: Fool's Silver by Alice Moss
A friend of mine has just read the first in this series and claims I will love it.  She hasn't been wrong so far!

Desert Angel by Charlie Price
This just sounds fab!  And I adore the cover.

Now Is The Time For Running by Michael Williams
The pitch for this one at the blogger's brunch has made me desperate to read it.  It's obvious how much the team at Random House loved it so I'm really looking forward to it.

Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan
I haven't read anything by this author yet - although I'm hoping to change that sound with Tender Morsels.  This sounds really good too!

No cover images yet for the following...

The Wood Queen by Karen Mahoney
Squeeeeee!  Xan, oh gorgeous Xan,  how I look forward to spending more time with you:)

The Flappers: Vixen by Jullian Larkin
I'm starting to get a real taste for books set in this time period.  Sounds great!

Struck by Jennifer Bosworth
'Three days are left until the final storm that will destroy the world' ?  I so want this right now!

Starters by Lissa Price
This sounds truly awesome!  Cannot wait!

What do you think?  Which are you desperate to read?

Monday, 18 July 2011

The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

For Review: Galley Grab
Published: 28 June 2011

From Goodreads: Sometimes there's no turning back.

Amber's life is spinning out of control. All she wants is to turn up the volume on her iPod until all of the demands of her family and friends fade away. So she sneaks off to the beach to spend a day by herself.

Then Amber meets Cade. Their attraction is instant, and Amber can tell that he's also looking for an escape. Together they decide to share a perfect day: no pasts, no fears, no regrets.

The more time that Amber spends with Cade, the more she's drawn to him. And the more she's troubled by his darkness. Because Cade's not just living in the now--he's living each moment like it's his last.

I've been a big fan of Lisa Schroeder since reading her first verse novel and really look forward to her new releases. When I saw this on Galley Grab I jumped at the chance to read it and I loved it.  I now have my copy and can't wait to read it over and over again.

Verse novel have been a surprise for me.  They are not something I thought I would like but I really do, and I find there is something magical about them.  It's as if the author can take the best words to tell a story and only use them while still conveying a beautiful and powerful story.

The story follows Amber and Cade.  Both wish to spend a day for themselves, away from their family & friends. When they meet at the beach there is an instant connection.  Both have reasons for wanting a day for themselves but what are they...?

I loved Amber and Cade straight away and really invested in their connection.  Yes, it happens quickly - the novel takes place over the course of a day - but it felt right.  I could really picture these two together and I thought it fell into place that they would connect - they were both looking to make sense of something.

Both Amber and Cade have interesting stories and I was equally invested in both.  Their reactions and feelings felt spot on making this feel very honest, but there are also some nice lighter moments.  I loved all the movie references, and thought the inclusion of the letters was a nice touch. I especially like the last letter!

I can't wait for more books by Lisa Schroeder.  I hope this is great addition to what I hope will be many, many more books by this author.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

In My Mailbox (100)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren


Wickedness by Deborah White  (Manuscript)
This sounds great!  I am going to be part of a blog tour for it in September. 

POD by Stephen Wallenfels
This sounds awesome!  It's also for a blog tour in September

The Crypt by Andrew Hammond
Interesting!  Sounds really good.

Forbidden by Jana Oliver
Squeeeeeeee! I really loved the first in the series - you can read my review for Forsaken here.  I need a Beck fix!

Nocturne by Christine Johnson
I still haven't read the first in this series - something I need to rectify soon!

He's So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott
I've heard great things about this and She's So Dead To Us - I really need to read both.

Rip Tide by Kat Falls
I really need to read the first book - they sound fab!

Emerald by Karen Wallace
I'm really excited about this one!  There is a pet bear!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
This is such an awesome book!  You can read my review here.

Big thanks to all the publishers who sent books for review:)

I also went to London to Random House for a Blogger's Brunch last Saturday. It was great fun - the team at Ramdon House are always lovely and it was great to catch up with other blogger's. We got to hear about all the upcoming releases and to meet Andy Mulligan (author of Trash) and Lyndsay Baraclough (author of Long Lankin). We were also given a goodie bag and were able to choose from a selection of books:) Massive thanks to Random House for such a great day and for being amazingly generous:)

Dearly Departed by Lia Habel
Runemarks by Joanne Harris
City of Ghosts by Bali Rai
This Dark Endeavour by Kenneth Opel

Bumped by Megan
Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan
Violet Wings by Victoria Hanley
The Devil Walks Anne Fine


Bite Club by Rachel Caine
I am so behind in this series - I really need to catch up - but I saw this on offer so couldn't resist!

Reality Check by Jen Calonita
I love the cover for this!  And I really enjoy Jen Calonita's other series so I sure this will be fab!

Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsay Leavitt
I've already read this and it's fab!  I should have a review for it up soon.

Sometimes It Happens by Lauren Barnholdt
I loved Two Way Street - you can read my review for it here - so I'm looking forward to this one.  I've been seeing some great reviews.

Prom Dates From Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore
I loved both The Splendour Falls (my review for it is here)  and Texas Gothic (my review should be up soon) so I really wanted to read this series. 

Past Midnight by Mara Purnhagen
One Hundred Candles by Mara Purnhagen
I requested the first book on Netgalley and was really enjoying it so I decided to get myself the series.

The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller (Audiobook)
My audiobook addiction is still currently going strong!  I really enjoyed this when I read it so am looking forward to listening to the audio:)

Where She Went by Gayle Forman (Audiobook)
Have started this and OMG his voice is awesome lol !  And the story is amazing!


Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiana
Viola in the Spotlight by Adriana Trigiana
Wintercraft: Blackwatch by Jenna Burtenshaw (signed)
Thanks Sarah:)

Hope you all had a great week:)

Friday, 15 July 2011

I want to read that...

Shelter by Harlan Coben

From Goodreads: Mickey Bolitar’s year can’t get much worse. After witnessing his father’s death and sending his mom to rehab, he’s forced to live with his estranged Uncle Myron and switch high schools.

A new school comes with new friends and new enemies, and lucky for Mickey, it also comes with a great new girlfriend, Ashley. For awhile, it seems like Mickey’s train-wreck of a life is finally improving — until Ashley vanishes without a trace. Unwilling to let another person walk out of his life, Mickey follows Ashley’s trail into a seedy underworld that reveals that this seemingly sweet, shy girl isn’t who she claimed to be. And neither was Mickey’s father. Soon, Mickey learns about a conspiracy so shocking that it makes high school drama seem like a luxury – and leaves him questioning everything about the life he thought he knew.

First introduced to readers in Harlan Coben’s latest adult novel, Live Wire, Mickey Bolitar is as quick-witted and clever as his Uncle Myron, and eager to go to any length to save the people he cares about. With this new series, Coben introduces an entirely new generation of fans to the masterful plotting and wry humor that have made him an award-winning, internationally bestselling, and beloved author.

I am BEYOND EXCITED for this! I am a massive fan of Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series - I love them all. I can never quite work them out so they always surprise me and I love the humour. Hopefully this will be along the same lines and be a complete win (!!!)

It's published in September by Orion's new imprint Indigo (UK) and Putnam Juvenile (US)

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Wuthering Heights Blog Tour: Guest Post & Review

For Review: Andersen Press
Published: 7 July 2011

From Goodreads: Passion, the Yorkshire moors, a wild and handsome stranger . . . sound familiar?

When Robert arrives in town with his dark good looks and mysterious background, Emily has a huge crush! It’s almost enough to take her mind off this year’s school play . . . miserable, wailing Wuthering Heights.

But Robert is no prince, with his black moods and fierce temper. The beautiful untamed moors would be the perfect backdrop to their fiery romance, if only Emily could work it out.

On stage or off stage, will Emily ever be the Cathy to his Heathcliff?

This is my first book by Kay Woodward and it certainly won't be my last!  It's fun, really romantic and a clever spin on the Bronte's classic.

When Emily learns her school play will be Wuthering Heights, lets just say she is less than thrilled.  Of course this doesn't stop her from wanting the lead role.  Add in the new boy, Robert, and a good deed from her dad and Emily has one rather large crush!  But Robert can be completely charming one minute, and completely moody the next - what's going on with him and will she ever work it out?

I loved the concept for this and the Yorkshire moor setting.  And Emily is a character I loved from the first words out of her mouth.  She just so funny - even when she doesn't mean to be - and she's also really nice.  Robert is rather appealing as the moody yet equally charming object of Emily's affections.  You know something must be going on with him and it's fun watching Emily work it out.  And the two of them have great chemistry!

Kay Woodward writing is fun and witty - I really loved it. She managed to capture my interest from the get-go and I'll definitely be on the look out for Jane Airhead.

As part of the Blog Tour for Wuthering Hearts Kay had kindly stopped by to talk about her ideal Cathy and Heathcliff...

Kay’s Ideal Cathy & Heathcliff

Wow. This is a cool question, but a very tricky one. When she wrote Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë created two of the most complicated and compelling characters ever. Playing either of them on stage or screen would be a challenge for any actor. So here goes. But these are only my suggestions. I’d love to hear what you and your readers think.

Catherine Earnshaw

By the time she’s six, Cathy can ride any horse in the stable. She‘s a ‘haughty, headstrong creature’ with a ‘bold, saucy look’. Oh, and she’s very bossy and always gets her own way. She alternately drives people mad and then charms them until they fall under her spell once more.

Here’s the bit that I think best describes her in the novel:
Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going—singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was—but she had the bonniest eye, the sweetest smile, and lightest foot…
So, she’s chatty, noisy, high-spirited, wild and ruthless. A total minx.

This one has been bugging me for days. But I think I’ve made my mind up at last. I think Anna Friel would be perfect.


He’s often described as a Byronic (which I always think sounds like a mixture of bionic and moronic, but actually means dark and romantically brooding). He’s tall and athletic, with thick brows and dark eyes. Emily Brontë wrote that he had an ‘almost idiotic excess of unsociable moroseness’. So he’s probably not the best person to invite to a party. But this is my favourite quote, which sums him up best of all, I think.

A half-civilised ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified: quite divested of roughness, though stern for grace.

So, the ideal Heathcliff would have to be tall, dark, brooding, morose, thick-browed, dark-eyed and with a stormy nature simmering beneath his manners.

It’s got to be Robert Pattinson, surely.

What do you think?!

Thanks Kay! Robert Pattinson - I love it! And I love your choice of Anna Friel - I can really picture it:)

You can find Kay at her Website and on Twitter.

Next stop on the Blog Tour is tomorrow at The Mile Long Bookshelf.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Cover to Covet (16)

I LOVE book covers. Love, love love them. So I decided to make it a regular post - each post featuring a cover I love.

I love the cover for Sister, Missing.  It's the picture in the hair - like an illusion -  you have to look to see it.  Or maybe that's just me:)  But either way it's totally fab!

Girl Missing by Sophie McKenzie  - you can read my review here
Sister Missing by Sophie Mckenzie  - can't wait for this one!  It's published September 2011 by Simon & Schuster

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Jessie Hearts NYC by Keris Stainton

From Goodreads: Jessie's just arrived in New York, hoping to forget about her awful ex.

New Yorker Finn is in love with his best friend's girlfriend.

They might be perfect together, but in a city of eight million people, will they ever find each other?

This is such a sweet and fun book. I was really looking forward to reading it as I loved Della Says: OMG! It's a really quick book to read - I read it in a couple of hours - and I honestly wanted to jump on a plane and go to New York after reading it!

The story is told from both Jessie and Finn's perspective  - and as I've said in previous reviews I love books that do this. I love getting the story from both points of view.

I really liked Jessie and her friend Emma. I thought they had a really nice friendship. I also really liked the storyline between Jessie and her mum - and part of me would like to have explored that aspect further. I LOVED Finn. He's just so ... yum! And I adored the whole 'will they won't they' meet each other because you can tell how suited they are for each other - they just need to properly meet!

As I said,  I would have liked to have had a bit more back story for Jessie in regard to her relationship with her mother. And it would have been nice to have a bit more back story on Finn too. I just found myself wanting to know more about them both - but,  at the same time, I also worry that doing so might have spoilt that feel good, light hearted read we got.  That it might have taken the focus away from that 'will they won't they' that I loved so much.

Did I mention it's also really funny -  I loved the revolving restaurant scene!  I also really enjoyed all the movie references.  And I loved the ending *sighs*. 

Monday, 11 July 2011

Book Trailer of the Month: July

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

I LOVE this trailer!  Plus you get to decide - do you take the cure? You should be able click the Yes or No at the end but I've included the options below in case that's easier. Such a fab idea! And I love the song that plays in the background.



You can check out my review for Delirium here.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

In My Mailbox (99)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren


Eragon by Christopher Paolini
Eldest by Christopher Paolini
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

These are the new covers. I haven't read this series but I really think I need to - I'm always being recommended them.

We Can Be Heroes by Catherine Bruton

I love the sound of this and have been hearing great things. I'm also taking part in a Blog Tour for it's release - you can check out the schedule on my sidebar.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This is the book I've been getting postcards about. Also got another one this week - this time a feather - and then the book came. Love the campaign for this one and am really looking forward to reading it:)

Panic by Jeff Abbott

Very intrigued by this. I believe it's been rewritten for the teen market and it sounds great.

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Hadn't heard anything about this one but it sounds rather good!

Dragon's Oath by P C and Kristen Cast

Looks good! Still really need to catch up with this series!

Everlasting by Alyson Noel

I am in love with the cover for this - it has a flap - so gorgeous! I am really looking forward to reading the remaining books in this series and finding out what happens to Ever.

Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Squeeeeee! I did a bit of a happy dance when I saw this. So excited to read it as I loved Nightshade. I've been really disappointed that they changed the cover design as I loved the old ones but I actually really love the new cover now I've seen it in person.

Stealing Phoenix by Joss Stirling

Squeeeee! Another happy dance! Sooooooooo looking forward to this:)

Massive thanks to all the publisher's who sent books for review:)

I also went to London to Random House for a Blogger's Brunch on Saturday.  It was great fun - there are some fantastic titles coming out - but I'll include all the info in next weeks IMM since this post is already taking me much longer than it should !  I'm on a bit of a go slow today:(


Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers  (Audiobook)
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers  (Audiobook)

I am a big fan of audiobooks so I was really excited that these two were being release - I LOVE Courtney Summers. I have listened to Some Girls Are and it's fab!

Hope you had a great week:)

Friday, 8 July 2011

OTOLI by Bryony Allen: Review, Interview & Giveaway

For Review: Bryony Allen
Published: April 2011

From Goodreads:OTOLI – Have you been there?

Social outcast ALICE TURNER went there to escape the constant bullying from the Populars. She is befriended by Jenny; an enigmatic waitress who seems to be stuck in the past.

As the Populars begin to reap the wrath of a faithful friend, suspicions build in Alice’s mind. Why does Jenny keep mementoes that are four years old? And why does Alice feel that she is to blame for the downfall of her enemies?

But friendship is a two-way deal as Alice soon discovers. After breaking her promise to Jenny, she faces a far worse foe than before. Alice is forced to make choices on which her future and that of others will depend; whether or not she knows it. Moreover, she will have to find courage to escape the ultimate bully – her best friend.

I found myself quite surprised by this book. It was a bit darker than I was expecting but in a really good way. And I loved the concept - how it makes you think about bullying and the affect it really has.

The book shows multiple points of view but mainly focuses on Alice, the bullying she faces on a daily basis and her friendship with Jenny.  We also learn about Kieran and his friendship with Jenny, as well as learning about Jenny's past, and the reason behind her actions.

I thought the author did a great job with the characterisation.  Out of all the characters I liked Alice the best.  She really grew on me over the course of the novel.  At the beginning I felt sorry for her but during the story you really learn how strong and kind hearted she is.  Despite what she's has to deal with she still finds the courage to look outside her situation and think of others.  I found the story really reflected on how bullying can not only affect how people perceive themselves but also how others perceive them too.  Which was something I hadn't thought of before.

I don't want to go into too much detail here because I don't want to spoil the story by giving too much away.  Not everything is as it seems, and although I guessed the truth - I think we are supposed too - I didn't go into the novel expecting it and I loved that.  It was this element that took me by surprise - giving the novel a nice creepy feel but also making the serious topic of bullying accessible and something to think about.

And I think I've worked out what OTOLI means!

Bryony kindly took the time to answer a few of my questions...

What inspired you to write OTOLI?
As a mum, a teacher and a child, I have seen and experienced bullying in so many forms. I have seen how the effects of bullying can stay with the victim for a very long time, leaving behind vulnerable, self-conscious people. I wanted to make the readers understand that bullying is not just an incident at one moment in time - it can be hard to shake the bullied label. Also, I wanted to entertain and write something a little bit different.

I grew to really care about Alice. How did you come up with her character?
Alice is a composite of many children I have met and known. All the taunts have happened to someone, and her reactions are representations of how some mentally bullied children have had. I wanted my readers to sympathise with her, but to also see something of themselves in her if they are suffering.

Is there a scene in the book that really stands out for you?
The prom dress scene with Jenny is one of my favourites but it made me cry when I wrote it! Also, I like the scenes when my two angst-ridden children, Alice and Kieran, found a friend. It can't all be doom and gloom.

What would you like people to take away from reading OTOLI?
Like I said before, I want people to appreciate the long-term effects of bullying. So many victims still suffer long after the bullying is over, feeling vulnerable and somewhat inadequate. I want my readers that are suffering to find comfort in the fact that they are not alone. And I want people to enjoy reading it - to read for the enjoyment of the story, not just for the message.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Oh yes, but life tends to get in the way! I love writing and I would like nothing more than to make my living from writing. But in the real world, I work full time as a middle school teacher and that pays the bills. The writing is my release.

What are your favourite aspects of writing? And the most challenging?
My favourite are making my characters and the story come to life; crying at sad scenes and changing the story's direction when I know that my characters would not behave like that. I love the creation. Also, I love hearing a reader's reactions to the book. For someone to say 'I love your book, it made me think' is one of the best things you could hear.

The most challenging is the post-publication publicity. There is so much work involved in getting the book noticed. It's also nerve-wracking waiting for the reviews to come back because you really want to hear good things.

Are there any authors that have been a strong influence on you?
That's a really difficult question to answer because I read absolutely loads and by anyone. I find that I am influenced by authors that entertain, whose books I just want to read and re-read, such as Ruth Rendell and Ian Rankin. My favourite ever book, which is probably the influence behind the supernatural element, is 'Rebecca' by Daphne duMaurier.

Are you planning on writing any more YA novels?
I have just finished a book called 'The Assembly Room', which is a teen novel that combines the witchcraft trials of 1645 with modern life in the Suffolk countryside. The trials that accused witches underwent come to life in the dreams of a fourteen year old girl, and she has to work out why her family is persecuted. And the ghosts are back in this one!

I have started another supernatural story tentatively called 'The House on the High Street', which is about a genuinely haunted house in a small town near where I live. Surprisingly enough, that's about ghosts too. (A bit of a common theme, I know. I loved ghost stories as a child so maybe I'm regressing in middle age!)
Thanks Bryony!

I also have a signed copy (a very carefully read copy), postcard and bookmark to giveaway. The giveaway is open to everyone. Closing date is 15 July 2011. Just fill in the form below - Good luck:)

This Giveaway is now closed.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Alyson Noel UK Blog Tour: Everlasting Book Trailer

Here is the UK Book Trailer for Everlasting, the final installment in the Immortal Series by Alyson Noel.

What do you think? I love it:) Also how gorgeous is the cover? It's my favourite of the series!

From Is this the end for Ever and Damen?

Everlasting is the sixth and final installment of the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen have spent centuries facing down bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fears-all in the hope of being together forever. Now in Everlasting, their destiny is finally within reach.

Will they be united-or torn apart forever? Readers will finally discover the truth in this anxiously awaited conclusion!

Everlasting is published 7 July by Macmillan.

For more information on Alyson Noel and her books check out her UK Website.

The blog tour is running until 15 July - check out the banner below for all the stops.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Amy & Roger's Epic Blog Tour: Extract

I'm delighted to be part of the Amy & Roger's Epic Blog Tour and have an extract for you.  Enjoy:)

“So,” I said after a moment, “we should probably get back on the road, right?”

Roger nodded. “Probably.” He took a sip of his root beer and looked out at the freeway. “You know,” he said thoughtfully, “I don’t think it’s going to take us four days. Some friends of mine drove cross-country, and they did it in thirty-six hours.”


“Yeah. Though I don’t think they ever stopped—I think they just drove straight through. And they probably sped a lot,” he added.

“Huh,” I said, not exactly sure how to respond to that. It hit me that, while I didn’t want to do this, Roger probably wanted to do it even less. Why would a college almost-sophomore want to spend four days transporting a high schooler across the country? Maybe this was Roger’s way of saying that he wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.

“Have you ever taken a road trip?” he asked.

I turned to squint at him and shook my head, feeling very lame. I knew that he didn’t mean a family excursion to see a historical landmark. He meant a road trip, the kind that cool people took in college. “Have you?” I asked, even though I had a feeling the answer was yes.

He nodded. “Just in-state, though. Up to San Fran, down to San Diego. And I don’t know . . .” He paused and peered into the bag. He shook it hopefully, fished around inside, and came up with three fries. He took one and offered the rest to me. “Last two,” he said. “Go for it.” I took one, leaving one for him. He smiled and ate it, looking pensive. “I guess I just thought that this trip might be more of a real road trip,” he said. “I don’t know. More interest­ing places. And at least a route we could pick ourselves.”

I took a sip of my shake, hoping my relief wasn’t obvious. So it wasn’t me he had a problem with, just my mother’s version of the trip. Which was entirely understandable, given the places that she’d chosen for us to stop.

I thought about what I’d just reread in my father’s book. About going out and just driving, and how you can only do it when you’re young. For the first time, it struck me that this trip could be some­thing worth recording in the scrapbook, after all. “Well,” I said, not entirely able to believe I was about to suggest this. “I mean, I guess we could go other places. As long as we’re there in four days, does it really matter which way we go?”

“Really?” Roger asked. “What about your mother’s reservations?”

I shrugged, even though my heart was pounding. It was a legitimate question. Knowing my mother, she’d probably be call­ing every hotel to make sure we’d checked in. But there was a tiny, reckless piece of me that wanted to be the difficult one for once. That wanted to make her worry about me for a change. That wanted to show her what it felt like to be left behind. “I don’t care,” I said. This wasn’t exactly true, but I liked the way it felt to say it. It was something Charlie would have done. And something Amy! would never do in a million years. And as I thought about the four hundred dollars in my front pocket, it occurred to me that we might be able to use it to buy just a little bit of freedom.

Roger blinked at me. “Okay,” he said. He turned to face me more fully and leaned back against the window. “So where should we go?”

“We’ll still get there by the tenth, right?” I asked quickly. My mother was not going to be happy we were ignoring her route, but I knew she would have a conniption if we took longer than the allotted time. “This is just a detour,” I clarified.

“Just a detour,” Roger agreed, nodding. He smiled at me, and I felt the impulse to smile back. I didn’t, but the feeling was there, for the first time in months.

The In-N-Out employee to our left suddenly raised her vol­ume and began screaming at her soon-to-be-ex. Apparently, his name was Kyle, and he knew exactly what he’d done. Feeling like I was overhearing something I probably shouldn’t, I jumped to my feet and began to walk around to the front of the car when I saw that Roger hadn’t moved. He was still listening to the breakup with a slightly nauseated expression on his face.

“Roger?” I asked.

"Right,” he said quickly, getting up as well and crumpling the white paper bag. We buckled ourselves in, and Roger started the engine. “So if this is going to be a real road trip,” he said, backing out of the parking space and heading toward the exit, “we need to get some road trip essentials.”

“Like gas?”

“No,” he said. “Well, yes,” he amended, looking down at the gauge. “But there are two things that are absolutely necessary if you’re going to be hitting the road.”

“And what are those?”

Roger smiled at me as he paused at a stoplight. “Snacks and tunes,” he said. “Not necessarily in that order.”

You can read my review for Amy & Roger's Epic Detour here

You can check out the next stop on the tour over at Wondrous Reads tommorrow.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Here Lies Bridget Blog Tour: Review and Interview

From Goodreads: Bridget Duke is the uncontested ruler of her school. The meanest girl with the biggest secret insecurities. And when new girl Anna Judge arrives, things start to fall apart for Bridget: friends don't worship as attentively, teachers don't fall for her wide-eyed "who me?" look, expulsion looms ahead and the one boy she's always loved—Liam Ward—can barely even look at her anymore.

When a desperate Bridget drives too fast and crashes her car, she ends up in limbo, facing everyone she's wronged and walking a few uncomfortable miles in their shoes. Now she has only one chance to make a last impression. Though she might end up dead, she has one last shot at redemption and the chance to right the wrongs she's inflicted on the people who mean the most to her.

And Bridget's about to learn that, sometimes, saying you're sorry just isn't enough….

Here Lies Bridget was a complete surprise for me.  I had heard some really good things about it but it turned out to be so much more than I was expecting.  I just fell in love with the concept, and really enjoyed Paige Harbison's writing style.

Bridget is not a character that is easy to like.  In fact, in the beginning I found most of the things she did incredibly unlikeable - but she kind of really grew on me.  I thought Paige Harbison did a great job in making her 'real' - someone I felt I could really like if only she would be herself.  You had glimpse of who she could be in the flashbacks and in her old relationship with Liam.  And, oh how I loved Liam * sighs*  There were some really great scenes between those two.

I love the way Bridget tries to redeem herself at the end - the way she really gets to see how her actions affect others - and it was here I completely fell in love with the concept of the story.   I especially loved the interaction's between her and Meredith!  And, of course, between her and Liam.  I also loved Michelle's reaction and hope she sticks to it! 

As I said this one really surprised me.  It made me cry actually and I really wasn't expecting that!  While I appreciate not everyone is going to like Bridget, I found this to be a great debut and I'll certainly be looking out for Paige Harbison's next book.


As Part of the blog tour for the UK release, Paige Harbison kindly agreed to answer a few of my questions...


I love the concept for the story. How did you come up with the idea for it?

I was on a train trip with a (now-ex) boyfriend that wouldn’t leave me alone. I was pretending to sleep when an idea came to me. A series based on each of the seven deadly sins. Then I started writing, and it came out as just a girl who suffered from several of them.

Bridget is (a tad) unlikeable at the start of the novel, but I grew to really love her by the end. How did you come up with her character?

She is, to me, the person all of us try hard not to be. She says and does things we all think but don’t do because we have what it takes to not. But there are a lot of people who don’t have what it takes and they do act like her. She’s a very real character. A lot of people have expressed a distaste for how she acts—but I mean…that’s just how soooo many people are. I’m sorry if that sucks, but it’s true.

I understand there are already plans to make it into a movie in the US! Do you have an ideal cast?

Bridget, Sarah Hyland from Modern Family

Luke Bilyk for Liam

Either Catherine Keener or Patricia Clarkson for Meredith—or someone like them, anyway, I think they’re both 52, and therefore too old for the character. They look great, don’t they? 52!!

James Remar for Mr. Ezhno

What is your favourite aspect of writing? And the most challenging?

My favourite aspect is the ability to tell the stories I want to read. I get in a mood and I might not be able to find the right book that can take me into that world. But I can write it.

The most challenging part is coming up with the crescendo and climax—the concept is always easy. It’s the actual, ya know, plot that’s hard.

Are there any YA books you can recommend? Perhaps something you have read recently the completely blew you away?

The Goddess Test is awesome. Has a great mod. Also The Mortal Instruments series.

Thanks Paige!

Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison, published by Mira Ink £6.99


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