Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Top Ten Books For People Who Like Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish every Tuesday. This week's topic is 'Top Ten Books For People Who Like X Book (Pick a book and pick 10 readalikes)' so I picked Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles.

I always find picking readalikes hard. Surprising since I do it every day in my job, but I find it works better one on one. People like a book for different reasons and finding a good readalike is dependant on finding out why someone likes the book in the first place.

For me Perfect Chemistry was an awesome romance! Plus it rocks with it's dual narrative. My ten picks are going to be based on these two things - books that have a great romance and (in most cases) a dual narrative.  All links go to Goodreads.

So first up, and the most obvious choice, are Simone Elkeles other books. Rules of Attraction and Chain Reaction are the perfect picks to be honest! Her other novels Leaving Paradise and Return to Paradise are fantastic too, and they also have the dual narrative.

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry is published in August and it is absolutely brilliant! I have been raving about this book since I read it and I think it would be perfect for fans of Perfect Chemistry. Bad boy (check), epic romance (check), dual narrative (check) ... and the list goes on! Read it and you will see what I mean.

You Against Me by Jenny Downham again has the dual narrative and pushes two people together in a way that you don't expect a romance between them to develop. Brilliantly written too.

Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt is a book I love and I think it's good for readers of Perfect Chemistry who loved the romance element of the story. Again it has the dual narrative, and while the romance is possible not as 'epic' it is sweet and endearing. You can't help but root for Courtney and Jordan!

Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett is a great book too. It has the dual narrative and the romance between two people from different backgrounds. It also focuses on deeper issues.

Jenny Han's Summer Series is great for fans of the romance! This one spans three books and over the course of those books is told from all three of the characters point of view. If you love romance triangles, and the whole 'who will she pick' thing this is definitely the series for you!

My next choice is a bit different in the sense it's a verse novel, but it does have the dual narration, a gorgeous romance element and is just brilliant overall. And that's pick is Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder.

The rest of my picks (and I believe I have gone over ten, but never mind) don't have the dual narration but are definitely right up there in the romance department.  They include Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols. I freaking LOVE this book - it has one of my favourite male leads in it! I'd also pick My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick as it has the romance between two characters who pretty much have very different upbringings despite living next door to each other. Plus it's just full of awesomeness!

The Education of Hailey Kendrick by Eileen Cook has the romance with a 'bad boy' element but is also a really sweet and fun story. And Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler is really, really good.

So those are my picks! Have I missed anything you think is the perfect read for fans of Perfect Chemistry? Let me know in the comments:)


Tanja - Tanychy said...

Funny but we chose similar books! :) Great list.

Here is mine Ja čitam, a ti?

Samantha said...

Great list! I can't wait to read Pushing The Limit and My Life Next Door!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Love the title of Summer I Turned Pretty. I must check that series out!

Here's my
Top Ten.
I hope you will stop by!

Cass said...

I LOVED Pushing the Limits but haven't read Perfect Chemistry!

Check out my TTT : Top Ten If You Loved DELIRIUM

Leanna Elle said...

Great list! I love Perfect Chemistry and Pushing the Limits is my next read so hope I'll like that just as much! :)

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

I read Pushing the Limits and LOVED it...and I own Perfect Chemistry but haven't read it yet. So I'm really happy to hear they're similar!
-Melissa @Harley Bear Book Blog

Anonymous said...

I loved Perfect Chemistry! And Going Too Far and Forget You, all wonderful. I think I have Pushing the Limit on pre-order. Will have to look into the others on your list. :)

My Recommendations for People Who Loved The Passage

Angela said...

These sound like fantastic summer reads.

Unknown said...

How did I miss this? I feel like you wrote this with me in mind (I'm arrogant like that).

I so am getting Two Way Street. Let's see if Kobo has it this time.

Question: Jennifer Echols - I have only read Going Too Far. What should I try next? x

I Want To Read That said...

Becky - LOL! Well I do know how much you love Perfect Chemistry...

I loved all the Jennifer Echols books, Going Too Far is definitely my favourite but I also loved her comedies (The Boy Next Door and The Ex Games) and I just finished Such A Rush and loved that too! To be honest, I'm not sure you can go wrong with her books lol

Hope you enjoy Two Way Street:D

belinda1205 said...

The Perfect Chemistry series was wonderful, fun, and realistic. I read Pushing the Limits and I most say LOVED it.I am going to read some of the books you have suggested.


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