In My Mailbox is hosted by kristi @ The Story SirenThis week I bought:
Bloom by Elizabeth Scott:From Goodreads: There's a difference between falling and letting go. Lauren has a good life: decent grades, great friends, and a boyfriend every girl lusts after. So why is she so unhappy? It takes the arrival of Evan Kirkland for Lauren to figure out the answer: She's been holding back. She's been denying herself a bunch of things (like sex) because staying with her loyal and gorgeous boyfriend, Dave, is the "right" thing to do. After all, who would give up the perfect boyfriend? But as Dave starts talking more and more about their life together, planning a future Lauren simply can't see herself in -- and as Lauren's craving for Evan, and moreover, who she is with Evan becomes all the more fierce -- Lauren realizes she needs to make a choice...before one is made for her.
The Demon Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan:From Amazon: Nick and his brother Alan are on the run with their mother, who was once the lover of a powerful magician. When she left him, she stole an important charm - and he will stop at nothing to reclaim it. Now Alan has been marked with the sign of death by the magician's demon, and only Nick can save him. But to do so he must face those he has fled from all his life - the magicians - and kill them. So the hunted becomes the hunter...but in saving his brother, Nick discovers something that will unravel his whole past...
Damage by Sue Mayfield (a bargain for £1):From Amazon: Matt, Becci, Sophie and Nathan are a bit of a foursome, even though Matt and Sophie are a real couple, and Becci only wishes that Nathan would notice she's not just Matt's little sister. They're all looking forward to the themed fancy dress party they're going to, getting in to the Christmas spirit, laughing, drinking...They've got futures, dreams, lives ahead of them...Nothing can spoil their fun tonight. But icy roads and a moment of lost concentration sees their bright futures shake and crumble. For Matt, Becci, Nathan and Sophie, what happens is devastating, not just for them, but for those close tto them, too. A powerful, humane and compelling novel, with a strongly positive message about the strength of the human spirit.