Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Cover Wars: Numbers by Rachel Ward

I saw the US cover for this on Goodreads and fell in love with it. I really liked the UK cover when I first saw it but I just LOVE the US one.


What do you think?


Justine said...

Wow. They're both great actually. It's hard to decide which one I prefer. But...I think I'm going to go with the UK cover, just because it's colourful :D

Anonymous said...

I like both of them. I'm going to have to go with UK, though, because I prefer the colors too. And it's a little less creepy.

La Coccinelle said...

I prefer the US cover. The UK cover is too distracting; it took me a moment to realize that those seemingly random letters/numbers were the title.

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I like them both, but I think I prefer the UK one. Regardless, it's a really fantastic book!

Luisa at Chicklish said...

I think I prefer the US one! It's so eye-catching.

prophecygirl said...

Oh wow! I'm a big fan of the UK one, but I really love the US one too. Amazing!

Patricia said...

They are both great covers. And just for the fact of that alone, I think I will pick up this book when I see it.

Tales of Whimsy said...

oooo the 2nd one!


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