Monday, 12 October 2009

Cover Wars: UK vs US

I was surprised at how different the covers are for The Devouring by Simon Holt. They feel like completely different books - I think the book is possibly aimed at a male audience in the UK (fans of Darren Shan etc). I prefer the US one - I don't think I'd pick up the UK one, whereas the US one makes me want to read it.



What do you think?


prophecygirl said...

I really don't like the UK one at all - it wouldn't make me want to read it!

Lauren said...

I *really* hate the UK cover, which is the one I've got. I hate it so much that I hide it on the bookshelves behind other books. It actually makes me feel nauseous. (Liked the book though!)

La Coccinelle said...

Uh... yeah. I would never pick up the one with the UK cover. It kind of makes me want to barf.

But it makes me wonder if the US cover is even indicative of what's inside!

Luisa at Chicklish said...

Wow, those are amazingly different! Yes, I think the US one is much easier on the eye!

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I love the US one. It's gorgeous!

Jo said...

From what I've heard of the story, I think the UK cover is more fitting - I've heard the US cover doesn't really relate to the story. It is pretty though, I do prefer it. The UK cover is terrifying! Saying that, the book is supposed to be scary, right? Which would mean the cover does it's job.

Anonymous said...

The UK cover is disgusting and creepy! I'd never pick up something like that. It's odd, because the US cover is one of my favorite covers to date.

Tales of Whimsy said...

OMG the UK cover scares me.


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