Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Out For Blood by Alyxandra Harvey

For Review: Bloomsbury.  Published 1 November 2010
From Goodreads:  Hunter Wild is the youngest in a long line of elite vampire hunters, a legacy that is both a blessing and a curse at the secret Helios-Ra Academy, where she excels at just about everything. Thanks to her friendship with Kieran Black, Hunter receives a special invitation to attend the coronation of Helena Drake, and for the first time, she sees the difference between vampires that must be hunted and vampires that can become friends—or even more. When students at the academy fall victim to a mysterious illness, Hunter suspects they are under attack from within. She will need someone she can trust to help her save the future of Helios-Ra . . . help that shockingly comes in the form of Quinn Drake, a drop-dead gorgeous vampire. Who said senior year would be easy?

As many of you know I am a big fan of this series - they are great fun and this one is no exception. 

Taking the same format as the previous books in the series, the narration is split between the two main characters.  This time Quinn is the Drake brother of choice - but it's really Hunter's story.  She is a student at the Helios-Ras Academy and comes from a family of vampire hunters.  I liked her straight away.  She comes across as dependant, strong and kind. Quinn is a bit of a 'ladies man' but immensely likeable - although I think Nicholas is still my favourite brother!   I'm glad we get to catch up with him and Lucy, as well as Solange, Kieran, Logan and Isabeau.  I also really liked Connor (Quinn's Twin) and am hoping to see more of him in future installments.

The story in this one moved away from the Drake family and is instead centered around the Helios-Ra Academy.  There is a bit of a mystery to solve and Hunter finds herself in the middle of it.  I really enjoyed it, although I thought Hunter was a bit too trusting at times.  But it is all great fun and I raced through the book to find out what happens.  My only complaint is I would have liked more resolution to Hunter's more personal storyline - but perhaps this will be explored at a later date in future novels.

Harvey has created a great world with these books and I just love the Drake brothers.  I'm not sure I will ever tire of reading about of them.  There is definitely the potential for many more in the series and I can't wait to read the next one.  Unfortunately, it's not published until next year but I'm sure it will be worth the wait:)


Sara said...

Nice review! I rally liked the first two books, and can't wait to read this one!

Tasha said...

Great review. I really enjoyed reading this as well. You can read my review on my blog.
Also, come and link reviews of books with a war/battle element on this week's Read My War Review (It could even be this one lol)


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