Saturday, 6 November 2010

In My Mailbox (64)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (White Edition)
I looovvee the white versions of these covers!  I am so going to have to get the whole set now...
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard (TV Tie In Edition)
I'm really looking forward to reading this one - the TV series is fab!  I love the TV tie in cover too:)

Thanks to Atom for sending both of these for review:)

Hope you all had a great book week:)


Anonymous said...

Oh I love that Twilight cover. Nice mailbox this week.

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Nice books this week! I wished I liked Twilight enough to get the white covers, but I hope you enjoy them! :)

Vicki said...

I got New Moon white cover and had to go and buy the rest! (on 3 for 2 so it's like only buying 2 books for a gorgeous set..right?) I really wasn't that sure about them seeing them online but *real* they are just gorgeous.

Tasha said...

I haven't started the Pretty Little Liars series yet but looking forward to getting to it. Hope you enjoy your books! My mailbox is here.
Come and link reviews of books with a Coming of Age theme on this week's Read My Review

kirsty at the overflowing library said...

awesome books - still not sure about the white covers myself

Leanna Elle said...

I like the new covers for PLL! I haven't read the series yet, but I know my sister has a copy at home somewhere. Must dig it out! Happy reading! :)

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I'm really not sure about the white versions you know...

Caroline said...

My white version got some red of the spine on the cover :(

I am looking forward to your review of Pretty little Liars!

Mrs. Q: Book Addict said...

I love the Twilight white editions, I really want to get them as well. I have Pretty Little Liars on my wishlist as well. Enjoy!

Julie Anne Lindsey said...

I totally agree about the new white editions of Twilight. I've been mentioning them to hubster lol...I got a new MG nocel IMM Thanks!

prophecygirl said...

Pretty Little Liars is really good, read it soon! And you know how I feel about the white Twilights :D

Have a fab week!

Tara said...

The white Twilight covers are so pretty! And I hope you enjoy the PLL series - it's awesome!


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