Saturday, 13 November 2010

In My Mailbox (65)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

This was such a great week!  I went to London on Tuesday to Atom  for a blogger party - It was a great day (I also couldn't resist having a *quick* look in Waterstone's in Piccadilly) and I got some great books - and there were cupcakes!

Gorgeous and very yummy....

For anyone interested in hearing more about the blogger's party check out Sarah's Event Report for all the details:)

Now, the books....

The lovely team at Atom gave us a goodie bag:

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Rosebush by Michelle Jaffe

I also picked up copies of the New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in their amazing white covers. There are absolutely gorgeous! And I picked up a copy of Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink which I have been meaning to read for ages.

A MASSIVE thanks to the team at Atom :)

For review:
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen - Thanks to Puffin for this one:)

Fade by Lisa McMann
Gone by Lisa McMann
A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler
Getting the Girl by Susan Juby
A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
The Space Between Trees by Katie Williams

Hope you all had a great week:)


Anonymous said...

Ooh great books! And those cupcakes look yummy :)
The blogger party sounds like fun

kirsty at the overflowing library said...

so jealous that you went to the party! A fab selection of books this week!

Small Review said...

Nice books! I'm really looking forward to Rosebush.

Anonymous said...

A Blue So Dark is a fantastic book, hope you enjoy! Those cupcakes are super great by the way. :D

Dazzling Mage said...

CUPCAKES! XD --> Sorry, sugary stuff has me blinded for a second there. I LOVE the Nighshade cover! A bit too dark, but still lovely. And Rosebush looks like an interesting read too.

I'm reading Fade right now, and liking it so far.

Happy reading. =)

Holly said...

Wow, that's an amazing cover of Nightshade and those cupcakes look so yummy!

Vicki said...

Those cup cakes are pretty awesome! Glad you all had a great time! I'm really looking forward to Bright Young Things and I've had A Blue So Dark a while now but not had chance to read it yet!

Luisa at Chicklish said...

Wow - those cakes! Those books! Yum. Have a happy reading week! :)

Leanna Elle said...

I really like the sound of Rosebush! I will be reading that one when it releases. Can't wait to read Bright Young Things! Happy reading!

iffath said...

SO incredibly jealous you have Rosebush and Nightshade!! *wants* :D

And those cupcakes look gorgeous ;)

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I CAN'T WAIT to get stuck into Bright Young Things and Nightshade and Rosebush look amazing. ENjoy.

Ynysawdre Elderly Residents Association said...

I am so there next time. Stupid work getting in the way of books :D
Happy reading all those beautiful books :D

Nayuleska said...

Nice stash here! Loving the cupcakes.

Hannah Mariska said...

the blogger party sounds so fun! i love those cupcakes!

Aisle B said...

Those cupcakes were incredible... could you really bite into such perfection?? I couldn't ... I'd be too engrossed in how amazing they look.

Another fantastic week for you and congrats on a great mailbox. :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Cupcakes? Yummers!


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