Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Cover Wars: Hardback vs Paperback

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E Lockhart has just be published in paperback (in the US) with a new cover:

Paperback Hardback

For some reason I'm really disappointed that they changed the cover. I LOVED the hardback cover and although I like the paperback one it just doesn't have the same impact on me.

What do you think?


prophecygirl said...

I think I prefer the hardcover - the girl on the PB looks like she's just been put there with Photoshop, and doesn't fit in very well.

Anonymous said...

I definitely prefer the HC. It looks much cooler with the seal.

The Book Sprites said...

I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover (as if we don't all do that anyway!) But I really wouldn't pick up the PB - nothing to draw me in at all, while the HB is vastly better.


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