Saturday, 1 February 2014

Crafting Corner (1)

I'm really excited to take part in Sarah's feature - I have recently discovered crochet and needle felting and love it!  I've been really enjoying it and I love that I can watch TV while doing it (TV shows on DVD are my other addiction!) - although I wouldn't recommend not paying attention when needle felting because those needles hurt if you miss your target!

So crochet wise I have been making quite a few blankets and toys.  Any of you who already follow me on Instagram have probably already seen these but this is some of what I've been up to...

And I've only been needle felting for a few weeks but it is so addictive!  I've spent hours looking at other peoples work and there are some AMAZING creations out there - if I could make anything even a tenth as good I'd be pleased!  If you want to see what I mean check out Sarafina Fiber Art!

Anyway these are my current needle felting creations...

So hopefully by next month I'll have some new bits and pieces to show you.  I have a couple of bits I'm working on so hopefully they'll be ready. 


Sarah said...

I'm so happy you were able to join in with this feature - I LOVE seeing your creations! I really must try crochet soon because your animals are gorgeous (is that Marmalade I see reading a book up there?!).

Your needle felting animals are so adorable (I particularly love the mouse but they're all cute!). I can't believe you've only been doing it for a couple of weeks - you already seem like an expert! It's something else I really want to have a go at sometime!

I Want To Read That said...

Thanks Sarah! I'm really looking forward to taking part next month too! And yep - that's Marmalade lol.

Unknown said...

Those lounging kitties are so cute, and what awesome felting animals!


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