Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Win a Signed Copy of Hav3n by Tom Easton

From Andersen Press: It starts with a cough, a few aches and pains and a weird spot on the back of your neck. It is HAV3N, the worst disease the world has ever seen.

With friends and loved ones dying in their thousands, the villagers of picture-postcard village Great Sheen are convinced this is more than just media hype. Their entire existence is under serious threat. So they barricade themselves in - and the infected out.

Seventeen-year Josh, his sister Martha and their two friends survive the onslaught of HAV3N, along with only seventy-eight other villagers. But they now face a very different future. One in which they could be the only living teenagers in the world . . .

Sounds great, right?  I'm reading it right now and am really enjoying it.  I love the concept (and it's set near to when I work so bonus!)  There are some wonderfully gruesome bits in it (like the opening chapter!) and so far it's been balanced with some lighter moments making it very interesting reading!

I have a signed copy to giveaway.  All you need to do is fill in the form below.  It's open to everyone and the closing date is 6 September 2012.  Good Luck:D

This giveaway is now closed.


Carly said...

Hi Sammee! Love your blog, new follower! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

Cliona said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway Sammee! :)


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