Thursday, 10 March 2011

I want to read that...

Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby

From Goodreads: My life seriously couldn’t get any worse.

First, my rightful designation of dragon slayer is STOLEN right out from under me by Curtis Green. Sure, he’s really cute, but that doesn’t give him an excuse.

On top of that, I am assigned to slay fairies. I know what you’re thinking—how hard could it be, right? Wrong! These menacing beasts with their tiny hipster clothes and mocking sarcasm love taunting me. And they won’t STOP!

But the thing that tops my list of stuff to ruin my day? That would be the GIANT KILLER FAIRY that I have to hunt down and slay because I am the only one who can see it. There is someone who can help me. Unfortunately…it’s Curtis.

It’s going to be a fairy bad day.

I loved Zombie Queen at Newbury High so I really can't wait for this - it sounds like sooooo much fun!   It's published June 9th 2011 by Speak.


serendipity_viv said...

I just love that title! Made me laugh. Looks like a great book.

Dazzling Mage said...

I love this! It seems like a fun, fun read!

solittletimeforbooks said...

I really enjoyed Zombie Queen too so I'm really looking forward to this aswell.

TheBookAddictedGirl said...

I love the title and cover of this book, and it's actually on my wishlist! I have a feeling it's going to be funny! Can't wait!

Amanda Ashby said...

Hey Sammee - yay! Thank you so much for saying such lovely things about Fairy Bad Day and Zombie!

I hope you enjoy it! I think the book is pretty funny, though my heroine Emma Jones wasn't remotely impressed by any of it. In fact, I'm pretty sure she's still not talking to because of the all things I do to her!!!!

Ynysawdre Elderly Residents Association said...

Stop making me add books to my wish-list :D :D

Tales of Whimsy said...

This cover cracks me up :)


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