Monday, 4 January 2010

Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita

From Amazon: What if? Your picture was taped inside teenage boys' lockers across America, your closets were bursting with never-worn designer clothing, and the tabloids constantly asked whether you were losing your 'good girl' status? It's a glamorous life, but 16-year-old Kaitlin Burke, co-star of one of the hottest shows on TV, is exhausted from the pressures of her fame. So she decides to spend two months undercover as an ordinary high school student. But could it be that real life high school is just as harsh as cutthroat Hollywood?

I found this good fun to read. It is definitely a light hearted read but really sweet and enjoyable. I liked the central character Kaitlin and understood her need for a ‘normal’ life – and it was interesting watching her try to have it! Sky Mackenzie is great fun as the competitive co-star that is always causing trouble – I look forward to more of her in future instalments. I also really enjoyed the romance part of the story - very sweet if a tad predictable.

Jen Calonita has a really easy style of writing that I think fans of Meg Cabot would enjoy. I will certainly be reading the rest in the series. Overall this is a fun take on what life as a celebrity is like.


Unknown said...

This certainly sounds like a fun read. I can imagine Prince William would like to try something like this. Not my type of book really but it still sounds enjoyable. Nice review.

StephTheBookworm said...

This sounds really cute!

Anonymous said...

Im really liking this series.I'm already halfway book 2 =)

Nice revew

Luisa at Chicklish said...

This definitely sounds like my kind of book! Thanks for the review - I'll look out for it!

in which a girl reads said...

Great review! I'm in the mood of a sweet book so definitely interested by this :)

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

This sounds great. Glad you enjoyed it!


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