Thursday, 14 January 2010

I want to read that...

Della Says: OMG! by Keris Stainton

Della’s over the moon when she kisses her long-standing crush at a party – but then she discovers her diary has disappeared... When scans of embarrassing pages are sent to her mobile and appear on Facebook, Della’s distraught – how can she enjoy her first proper romance when someone, somewhere, knows all her deepest, darkest secrets?

I am really looking forward to this one! It's also going to be one for my debut author challenge. It is published 6 May 2010.


Luisa at Chicklish said...

Ooh yes, I want to read that too! :)

Lauren said...

I definitely want to read this!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

This sounds like a lot of fun :)

prophecygirl said...

I'm looking forward to this one as well! Yay Keris!

Helen's Book Blog said...

I gave you an award:

Nina said...

Sounds so good, a little bit like gossipgirl, but yet different!

Nice pick!

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I'm really looking forward to this one, too. I love debut authors!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Sounds cute! I'm rooting for her already.

Unknown said...

Yay for UK debut authors! I don't know if I'm going to read this it isn't exactly in my comfort zone but I will read your review before I make my mind up!

Keris Stainton said...

Yay! Thanks for featuring my book! :)


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