It looks like they are changing the covers of Life As We Knew It, The Dead and Gone to coincide with the release of the third book World We Live In. I'm not sure about the new covers - I got a bit excited when I heard they were changing them because I though we'd get the US cover which I think are gorgeous - and I feel they match the feeling and style of the books. I'm not sure about the name change to 'The Last Survivors' either. What do you think?

Original UK covers

New UK Covers

US Covers
Which do you prefer?

Original UK covers

New UK Covers

US Covers
Which do you prefer?
I like US covers.
Could those new ones be any more cheesy? Yuck! The US ones are sophisticated. I like them a lot!
I like the US covers, the UK covers look like some comic (strip) book. Dont like those!!
For some reason UK covers look really tacky. The US covers are awesome. Wish they would keep the US covers everywhere..
I just love the US covers. The new UK ones--especially for this world we live in just looks bad. What's with the hand?!
I didn't mind the old UK covers, but *hate* the new ones. Wny can't we have the gorgeous US ones?!
I love the US covers! I haven't read any of them yet, but I really want to.
I love the US covers! Like Becky said, the UK covers are soooo chessy. They don't do the books any justice.
Definitely the US covers. The new UK covers remind me of those mass-produced novels that some authors pump out every 6 months or so. Cheesy.
US, hands dooooooooown. Mostly because the font for the UK version irks me deeply. Ugh.
Whoa, seriously?! The new UK covers are horrible and tacky, nothing what I imagine the books to be like! I've been tempted to read it and if I decide to buy it, I'll definitely get the US covers!
I really, really, really don't like the new UK versions! Why can't we just get the US covers????? They are soooooo much nicer LOL
I like the US versions. More simple and haunting.
I like the old UK cover of the first book, but I love the US covers a lot more. I can't believe that they are changing the covers and they aren't that nice!
I like the US ones, they are simpler and I love the common thread of the moon.
I too love the US covers. The original UK ones are ok but the new ones seem aimed at a younger readership whereas the US ones have an older feel to them.
Ouch, my eyes! Those new UK covers are fugly. Time to import, I think.
I prefer the US covers. The other ones look kind of cheesy.
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