Monday, 1 July 2013

Last Chance Angel by Alex Gutteridge

Publisher: Templar
Release Date:
1 June 2013
Review copy provided by the publisher.

From Goodreads: What would you do for another chance at life?

When Jess is knocked off her bike in a traffic accident, she finds herself at the gates of heaven before her destined death date.

Given one last chance to say goodbye, she heads back to Earth to visit friends and family. Closely kept secrets are revealed to the now-invisible Jess, and one shocking discovery leads her to the biggest choice she'll ever have to make.

A poignant, bittersweet story of friendship and family from a unique voice in teen fiction.

This was a really sweet story. Aimed at the slightly younger teens I think (it reminded me in terms of feel and tone to Eight Keys by Suzanne LeFleur) it is an accessible story with a great message.

I liked the main character in this - Jess really goes through a transformation - and thought the angel Darren was a brilliant addition (loved his scenes!) - it help to keep the story light and fun.  What I enjoyed most about the story though,  were the interactions with her family - especially her brother Jamie - and how she did learn a lot about herself and what is important.

There were a few places where the pace slowed a bit and I found myself not quite as absorbed in the story as I was but it soon picked up again and I found myself steaming ahead.  I'm definitely interested to see what this author writes next.


Alex Gutteridge said...

Hi Sammee,
Thanks so much for this lovely review. I really enjoyed writing the scenes with Darren. He really did take on a life of his own! I'm writing another book for Templar which is due out next year, not a follow on to Last Chance Angel but still fantasy based in reality. I do envy you working in a bookshop!

I Want To Read That said...

Thanks Alex! I think we need a Darren spin off maybe?

Looking forward to reading you next book:-)


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