Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cover Wars: The Hunt


I really love both of these.  I love the 'ripped' design on the US one - it's really clever and I really like the contrast in colours.  But I think there should only be the boy figure in the middle - for a reason that I believe will be apparent once you've read the story.  The UK one suits the story slightly better I think - it kind of screams male point of view giving it more of an appeal to male readers and for the girls? Well...the guy on the front is rather hot don't you think? 

So I think my preference would be the UK cover.  What do you think?  Does the US or UK one appeal to you more?

Also don't forget to check out the rest of the blog tour.  The next stop is tomorrow over at Narratively Speaking.

Andrew Fukuda has his own website and blog and Twitter, plus you can find out more about The Hunt on the Facebook page.


Catherine@thebookparade said...

I definitely prefer the US cover, bot that I know anything about the story, but I do like that 'ripped' design! :)

prettybooks said...

I really like the US one! I think it's clever too.

Cliona said...

I'm not mad on either, but I guess the UK one guy is pretty good-looking :) So if I had to I'd pick UK!

Nina said...

I really like the UK cover. ;)

TheBookAddictedGirl said...

Hmm... I've not read it, but I think I might prefer the US cover: the colours and ripped and creepy people on the bottom looks pretty awesome! But the guy on the UK is pretty hot... And the slogan-thing is brilliant!! :D
Hmm... :D


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