What made you decide to write a post-apocalyptic vampire series?
I had been toying with writing a post-apocalyptic YA story after The Iron Fey, when my agent suggested I might want to try vampires. Although not terribly intrigued with the idea at first, I then had the thought of combining the two, and from there everything sort of fell into place.
Allison Sekemoto, like Meghan Chase, is a very strong character. Is this something that is important to you? How much of yourself did you put into her character?
I am far more similar to Allison then I am to Meghan Chase. We're short (as in, not tall), we like reading, we're not afraid to fight, and we have somewhat of a short temper (or I did, back when I was a teenager, lol). Out of all my characters, Allie is probably my favourite female because of her snark and her katana.

I'm soooooooo bad at this, lol. Maybe Jamie Chung or Devon Aoki for Allie, Zac Effron for Zeke and Ian Somerhalder for Kanin? I'm probably missing something obvious, but like I said, I'm bad at this.
What is your favourite and most challenging aspect of being a published author?
My favorite aspects of being a published author is being able to do something I love every single day and to share that work with fans. It sounds trite, but I really would be writing whether or not it was my job. The fact that those stories are being read and (I hope) enjoyed by people all over the world is just… well, it’s incredible. There are days when I still don’t believe it.
There are lots of challenging aspects to being a published author. The biggest challenge for me is probably trying to juggle everything – writing (and meeting deadlines), interviews, signings, blog tours, etc… It’s funny, because I enjoy doing all of those things, but sometimes trying to do them all at once can get a bit overwhelming.
Are there any authors who have been a strong influence on you?
A lot of my influence and inspiration comes from Japanese manga and from video games. I’d say the author that’s influenced me most though is Neil Gaiman, though. I’d love to be able to write like him.
Thanks Julie
You can read my review of The Immortal Rules here (it is awesome!)
The series has its own website here
And you can find Julie on her Website, Blog, Twitter and Facebook.
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