Monday, 13 June 2011

Forgotten Blog Tour: Top Ten Book Male Crushes (Guest Post)

I'm delighted to be part of Cat Patrick's blog tour.  She is here today to talk about her top 10 book crushes...

Top Ten Book Male Crushes

Ah…that guy. The one who makes your toes curl while you’re reading; who makes you flip the pages faster to find out what he’ll do next. Following is my Top Ten List of Book Crushes.

The emotional sort: Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Cabel from Lisa McMann’s Fade series are two crush-worthy fellows with a sensitive streak. From different time periods—and drastically different families—they’re both haunted by memories and out to protect (or avenge) the ones they love.

Manly men…with a few flaws: Gale from The Hunger Games, Tyler Durden from Fight Club and Harry Bosch from Michael Connelly’s many crime novels are all ready to fight for what’s right, and they’ve all got something about their personality that makes me look at them sideways (in a good way).

The adventurous ones: I was giddy reading about Tristan Thorn in Neil Gaiman’s Stardust as he set out to find a star for his girlfriend, only to fall in love with that star. Quentin Coldwater of Lev Grossman’s The Magicians is perhaps less gung-ho about his adventures in magic school but is always cool nonetheless, like someone you’d see in your favorite alterna-band. Kote from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is a swoon-worthy barkeep with fire red hair who tells of his adventures as a younger man. How could anyone not love a sexy bartender with a past?

And of course, the strong, silent type. Mr. Darcy. Edward Cullen. Will Grayson from Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan (could I type “Will Grayson” more?). Ky from Ally Condie’s Matched. Each is wonderful for what he doesn’t say, leaving the reader’s interest piqued and maybe even making their breath catch a little, too.

(My apologies for listing more than 10, but in the vast sea of books, there are a lot of colorful fish.)


Thanks Cat!  I have to strongly agree with Cabel!

You can find Cat at her website and twitter. Forgotten is available to buy now.

From Goodreads: With the intrigue of "Memento" and the romance of "The Time-Traveller's Wife", "Forgotten" is the perfect YA novel.

Each night when 16 year-old London Lane goes to sleep, her whole world disappears. In the morning, all that's left is a note telling her about a day she can't remember. The whole scenario doesn't exactly make high school or dating that hot guy whose name she can't seem to recall any easier. But when London starts experiencing disturbing visions she can't make sense of, she realizes it's time to learn a little more about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.

Part psychological drama, part romance, and part mystery, this thought-provoking novel will inspire readers to consider the what-if's in their own lives and recognize the power they have to control their destinies.


Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Oh what a wonderful guest post! I completely agree with Cabel. I just finished reading the series and I do so adore him..

LinWash said...

What a great post! Yeah, I totally agree about Cabel. I also love Jonah Griggs in Jellicoe Road.

Samantha (A Dream of Books) said...

Fabulous guest post. My literary crush at the moment is Luke from Forgotten!


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