Monday, 20 June 2011

Amy & Roger's Epic Blog Tour Schedule

I'm really excited to be taking part in Amy & Roger's Epic Blog Tour - details are below (and on my sidebar).  Make sure you click on the banner below - it takes you to an exclusive Spotify playlist with a selection of 12 tracks from Amy & Roger's many playlist! 

Here's the schedule with links:

4 July  - Daisy Chain Books: Q&A with Morgan Matson.

5 July  - I Want To Read That:  Extract from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour.

6 July  - Wondrous Reads: Behind the music of Amy & Roger.

7 July  - The Bookette: Morgan Matson's road trip research.

8 July  - The Book Smugglers: Inspirations & Influences.

9 July  - The Crooked Shelf: Deconstructing Amy & Roger's America.

10 July - Book Babblers: Giveaway competitions!

Hope to see you back here on the 5th July:)

1 comment:

LinWash said...

I'm so glad to see a book I love on a blog tour! This book is worth it!


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