Tuesday 28 September 2010

Before The Split Blog Tour

During October I will be taking part in Swati Avasthi's blog tour. For more information on all the different stops on the tour check out Teen Book Scene Tour for details. The blog tour is also designed to help raise money for the Family Violence Prevention Fund. Here is some information to explain:

To honor National Domestic Violence Awareness month, author Swati Avasthi has combined a blog tour for her debut novel, Split, with a charity auction. Over 40 authors, agents and editors have donated manuscript critiques, personalized books, and more to an online auction that anyone –reader, writer, booklover -- can bid on and buy. All proceeds go to the Family Violence Prevention Fund. In addition to the auction, Avasthi is donating $1/comment on her 26-stop, month-long blog tour, coordinated by Kari Olson at Teen Book Scene. If she reaches her goal and cap of $250, she will double the donation. Follow the tour, get stuff you want, and make a difference.

To go to the charity auction click the image on the left.

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