Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Crossed by Ally Condie

For Review: Puffin
Published: 24 Novemeber 2011

From Goodreads: Rules are different outside the Society.

Chasing down an uncertain future, Cassia makes her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky-taken by the Society to his certain death-only to find that he has escaped into the majestic, but treacherous, canyons. On this wild frontier are glimmers of a different life and the enthralling promise of rebellion. But even as Cassia sacrifices everything to reunite with Ky, ingenious surprises from Xander may change the game once again.

Narrated from both Cassia's and Ky's points of view, this hotly anticipated sequel to Matched will take them both to the edge of Society, where nothing is as expected and crosses and double crosses make their path more twisted than ever...

Having really enjoyed Matched I was very excited to read Crossed. And just like Matched, I found myself completely gripped.

This time we get the narrative from both Cassia and Ky and this works amazingly well. Again I found myself falling in love with Ally Condie's writing - it's not action packed and intense in that sense - it's very character driven and intense instead. It's very much about the characters internal journey and I think that is what keeps me gripped.

In Matched I found myself really rooting for Xander. I felt as if Ky represented life outside of the Society for Cassia - a different kind of life - and I wasn't sure if she liked him or the idea of him. By giving us the story from Ky's point of view too she made me fall in love with him. That's not to say I'm not still rooting for Xander - even though he wasn't physically present in very many scenes his presence is still felt heavily in the novel - BUT I think I am now rooting for Ky too. I have no idea how this will all turn out for the three of them but I am desperate to find out!

I also like how similar the narrative style was for both Cassia and Ky. Usually I would want a very distinct difference but in this instance I liked how similar they felt - it made me understand why they were attracted to each other - what the basis of their connection was. There is a subtle difference though. Cassia is very hopeful - maybe even naive - she truly believes she can find a solution and change things. Ky on the other hand is more interested in finding happiness now. He's seen the bad of both sides and doesn't believe that either will be the answer. I think where Matched was Cassia's story this one really is Ky's. It's about his journey - about him getting to where he needs to be - both physically and emotionally.

We are also introduced to some new, and interesting characters. I loved Indie - and have to say I think she could be right about the Pilot. Eli and Hunter are great too and I loved Vick.

I am so looking forward to the next installment. We found out some very interesting things in this one and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here. Also I'm very intrigued about that ending - who exactly was she going to meet? Is it Ky or is it someone else? 

1 comment:

TheBookAddictedGirl said...

I've got less than 100 pages of this left, and so far I agree with every single thing you've said! I loved getting to know Ky: I want chapters for Xander too next time! :D
Great review! :D


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