Tuesday, 25 October 2011

My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

From Goodreads: 

Kaylee has one addiction: her very hot, very popular boyfriend, Nash. A banshee like Kaylee, Nash understands her like no one else. Nothing can come between them. Until something does.

Demon's breath. No, not the toothpaste-challenged kind. The Netherworld kind. The kind that really can kill you. Somehow, the super-addictive substance has made its way to the human world. But how? Kaylee and Nash have to cut off the source and protect their friends—one of whom is already hooked. And when the epidemic hits too close to home, Kaylee will have to risk everything to save those she loves.

I freaking love this series! Rachel Vincent always does a great job in keeping the series fresh and exciting while still developing the story and moving it forward.

I adore Kaylee. She's really strong, sassy and she cares enough about everyone to put herself on the line. I also love Nash - but it's evident that something is going on with him. And Tod? Well I am liking him more and more as the series progresses. Again he seems to steal every scene he is in and I loved his reaction when he found out what had happened!

Speaking of what happens - I love how this story is an evolution of events from My Soul to Save. I had a feeling it might happen and as much as it pained me to read - I love that their are consequences. One of the things I admire about Rachel Vincent's writing is that she is not scared to go in a direction that shocks. She does what is right for the story - characters can die, they don't always make the right decisions - and this makes it completely unpredictable and - quite frankly - an amazing journey!

In terms of Kaylee and Nash - I have to say I'm not sure I could move past it. I don't really blame him for what happened - I just think there is a big difference between wishing something had never happened and being about to forgive and move on from it. Kaylee wants things to be the way they were before but that is never going to be the case because it did happen and she needs to decide if she can live with that. I guess we will find out in My Soul to Steal. And I can't wait!

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