Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Cover to Covet (6)

I LOVE book covers. Love, love love them. So I decided to make it a regular post - each post featuring a cover I love.

Possession by Elana Johnson

I love butterflies - so straight away this cover wins points with me - but combined with it's simplicity I find it a winner.  I really love it - it's one of those covers that make me want to LOVE the book!

From Author's Website:  In a world where rules aren't meant to be broken, fifteen-year-old Violet Schoenfeld must make a choice: control or be controlled.


So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I really love this cover too. It's simple and beautiful.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Nice choice. I love this cover.

Lauren said...

I love butterflies on book covers. There was a stage where quite a few covers used butterflies around the same time, but it's good to see them making a reappearance! This kind of reminds me of the UK cover for Candor in a way too.

Sarah said...

That cover is so pretty! I love the fact that it is simple but effective :o)

Dwayne said...

I've always been a minimalist so this def suits me!

Elana Johnson said...

Hey, thank you for putting my cover up! I'm so glad you like it.


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