Friday, 9 July 2010

Cover Wars: She So Dead to Us

Hmm I can't decide! There is something really simple about the US one that I like but the UK one also really appeals - I like the size and font of the title. It does look a bit 'younger' though...

Which do you prefer?


So Many Books, So Little Time said...

Hm. Well, I don't really like either very much, but I guess the US one is a little nicer.

Nina said...

Is the UK cover the first one? I like the second cover with the pearls. It's simple and nice. The first one looks like a tweenbook.

Tales of Whimsy said...

I agree with Nina. I vote pearls. The other one comes off very young.

Chapter Chicks said...

Which one is which? Either way, I like the one with the pearls.

Nomes said...

Oh - I definitely like the UK one best. it looks fun and quirky and cute. The US one to me looks odd - not one I'd really pick up.

I Want To Read That said...

Oops - sorry! The first one is the UK.

Unknown said...

I love the UK one. It is so cute!

iffath said...

I love the US one, very simple and quite elegant; but the UK one is nice too, it's fun and very cute!


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