Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Something Wicked by AJ Myers

Release Date: 2 September 2013
Source: Provided for review

From Goodreads: Welcome back to the World of Weird! I’m Ember Blaylock, and I’ll be your guide through this treacherous—sometimes downright deadly—world I call my own. Because if you thought our last trek through my reality was a rollercoaster ride, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

I thought I was going to get my life back. I swore off all things witchy. I lied to everyone I cared about. I was even dealing with the nightmares that plagued me every night—souvenirs of my first foray through this not-so-wonderful world of mine. Seriously, if the World of Weird doesn’t leave you with your fair share of issues, nothing will. I really thought I could go back to being a normal senior in high school.

I was so wrong.

Between my doubts about giving my heart to my vampire boyfriend, uncovering a whole new set of secrets and lies, and seeing my old friend Jack every time I turned around, there was nothing ‘normal’ about my life.

And if that wasn’t enough to keep a girl on her toes, Moonlight, Missouri just got its very own serial killer. A real psycho who seems to think it’s fun to turn his victims into Ember clones—and this creeper isn’t working alone. He’s got help. The witchy kind. Sucks to be me, huh?

And you thought just surviving high school was tough…

Even better than the first instalment - I loved Something Wicked. Ember is completely kick ass, Nathan as swoon-worthy as ever and I loved Ember's friends even more in this one! And are Grams rocks!

I am really intrigued by Tyler too. He's so likeable - I *think* I know what he is and I hope we find out soon. More worryingly though, is the traitor we learnt about at the end of book one...

Absolutely loved the ending - and it means I am guaranteed to read Something Wanton the day it is released. I think I may have found a new favourite series.

So yes, it is safe to say I can't wait for Something Wanton to be released!  In the meantime I get to enjoy the novella Eternally.  Nate's POV?  Hell yes!

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