Tuesday, 5 March 2013

I want to read that...

Demonosity by Amanda Ashby

From Goodreads: An ancient myth + a mean girl + a reluctant warrior = a lively take on good vs. evil

The Black Rose--a powerful ancient force--has been let loose and has taken up residence in Celeste Gibson, popular girl at Cassidy Carter-Lewis' high school. Thomas Delacroix is the spirit of a fourteenth-century knight who is devoted to protecting the Black Rose, but he needs a contemporary living being to take on the challenge. That's where Cassidy comes in. She's a quirky high school junior who just wants to dress in her vintage clothes, hang out with her best friend, and take care of her father, who is recovering from surgery. She's the last person who would ever volunteer for such a task, but no one actually asked her. Now, like it or not, she finds herself training before dawn and battling demons at parties, the mall, and even at school. But hey, no one ever said high school was going to be easy. . .

Having loved both Zombie Queen of Newbury High and Fairy Bad Day I am really looking forward to this!

It's published 15 August 2013.


So Many Books, So Little Time said...

Oh, this sounds great! I loved Zombie Queen of Newbury High. Need to get a hold of Fairy Bad Day!

The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

This looks like a lot of fun-epic battle between good and evil set in high school!

Dazzling Mage said...

Haha, this sounds amazing!

Unknown said...

This book looks great!I LOVE the cover. How am I supposed to wait until August?!
Love your blog!! :D

Please check out mine too. Thank you ^^
Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl


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