Monday, 4 March 2013

BLOODMIX by Jane Cuff

For Review: Jane Cuff
Published: 17 September 2012

From Amazon: Draygon Lord of the Barren Lands waited for the day a Bloodmix would draw their first breath.

Told by their grandad that their parents have gone missing, twelve year old April and ten year old Ken, return home with the one person they believe they can trust.

Both are in danger, one is being hunted.

When I was given the opportunity to read and review BLOODMIX I jumped at the chance. We stock Jane Cuff's other books in the book store I work in and I always hear so many good things from the children reading them - I was excited to read one for myself.

A blend of fantasy and adventure, with a dash of creep factor added to the mix, and you have a really great story. Jane Cuff has a really accessible writing style that makes it easy to get lost in the story. The mix of fantasy and adventure works really well too - and would be the perfect introduction for children who haven't read many fantasy books before. All of the fantasy elements are grounded by the characters and their fun banter - the whole story comes across as one big adventure and I have to say I really enjoyed it!

There is a whole host of wonderful characters, and this is where the book really excels. Ken and April have a good brother and sister relationship going. April's friend Dorma is likeable straight away (despite her horrible living arrangements!) and Sorrel is just plain awesome! And, as I said previously, all the characters have some great banter - which helps to lighten some of the darker moments - as well as creating some genuine laugh out loud moments that still bring a smile to my face now!

While I would still place this comfortably in the 9-12 year age bracket, I feel I should mention that there were definitely some creepy moments in the story! Myleck and Jezebel really are quite sinister but I have the feeling most readers (especially the boy readers!) will relish that. The ending is great too - bringing enough closure to make this feel a standalone story but leaving it open to continue - which I hope the author does. I'd definitely pick up the next book!

A really enjoyable read with a great message hidden within the story - I will certainly be reading more books by Jane Cuff.

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