Monday, 18 March 2013

Cover Wars: Wildwood (Wildwood Blog Tour)

Hardback Cover / Paperback Cover

I think both of these have a very similar feel and I absolutely love the illustrations! The series is illustrated by the author's wife,  Carson Ellis and I really do love the design.  It takes me back to my childhood and reminds me of Narnia and all those other magical stories I read that transported me into a different world.  You get a strong sense from the cover what kind of story is contained inside.

I'm slightly torn between the covers though as I do really like them both!  I love the title design on the Hardback (the way it curves across the page like a banner) and the symmetrical feel of the cover.  But I absolutely love the children holding hands on the Paperback cover!  It makes me want to take the adventure with them.

So in conclusion I think they are both gorgeous!   Below is the cover for the second book in the series - Under Wildwood -  and I think when compared the Hardback design for Wildwood matches Under Wildwood just that little bit better.

What do you think?

If you want to find out more about Wildwood check out the Colin Meloy Channel on the Canongate website, the Wildwood Chronicles Website and if you fancy seeing more of Carson Eliis' illustrations/work she has a website you can check out.

And make sure you check out the rest of the tour:) Serendipity Reviews has the first chapter of Under Wiildwood which you can read here. The next stop on the tour is next week over at The Overflowing Library.  See the banner on my sidebar for more details.


Unknown said...

Honestly I like them both! Maybe because they are really it okay of I do my own cover wars posts (giving you credit for the idea of course)?

Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books

I Want To Read That said...

Joana - Yes of course! No problem :D


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