Saturday 9 March 2013

Cover Wars: Code Name Verity

UK Paperback  / US Paperback / US Hardback

This is the US paperback showing on Amazon for Code Name Verity (middle picture) and I have to say I love it. I'm not sure why exactly, but there is just something about it that really catches my eye. I think it may be the way the title goes across the middle and the image has a definite WWII feel!   I also quite like the UK one - it doesn't catch my eye as much as the new US one - but I much prefer it to the US Hardback.

What do you think?


Unknown said...

I like the middle one. I think the US hardback one looks to contemporary. I really need to read this book.

The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

I prefer the US hardback because that's the one I'm used to seeing but I do like the UK cover. I think I like a darker cover.

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

The middle one looks like a WWII ITV drama series to me - in a good way!

Nina said...

I have the UK paperback copy and I love that cover, but the middle one is also really good. I like that one as well. :)

Cliona said...

I liked the middle one the best, but I quite like the UK one too. I really don't like the US hardback, I don't think it represents the story very well :L


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