In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
I loved Before I Fall (review here) so I am beyond excited to read this. The finished cover is lovely!
Gladiator: Fight For Freedom by Simon Scarrow
I've never read anything by Simon Scarrow before so I'm interested to see what this will be like.
Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis
The cover is amazing! And it sounds really brilliant and creepy!
Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel (Proof copy)
I can't believe I haven't realised this is a series I might actually really enjoy!
Wuthering Tights by Louise Renninson
Can't wait to read this one!

Loving Spirit: Dreams by Linda Chapman
I really liked the first book in this series (my review is here) so I'm looking forward to catching up with the characters.
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong
I have read this one a while back and really enjoyed it - wanted my own copy.
I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend by Cora Harrison
This looks like great fun!
Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell
Thought this one sounded good. Anyone read it?
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
Loved this book! (see my review here) And it has gold edges! And Karen Mahoney was at a blogger's brunch I attended (see below) so I managed to get this signed. Thanks Karen:)
Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell
People keep telling me this one is really good so when it came into work I decided to get it. Very excited to see if it's as good as everyone says.
Very LaFreak by Rachel Cohn
Sounds different and interesting! Looking forward to seeing what I think of it. Also how much do I love the model's hair? Gorgeous!
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
I've heard some very good things about this one and some not so good. But I really fancy it so hopefully I will love it, and I *so* love the cover - really pretty!
The Only Alien On The Planet by Kristen D. Randle
I'd never heard of this one before but thought it sounded good. Not keen on the cover though:(
The Last Good Place of Lily Odilon by Sara Beitia
Love the cover and thought this sounded really good. Hope it lives up to my expectations!.
Also, I went to RHCB's Blogger's brunch on Saturday, where we all got a goody bag and got to pick some books from their shelves! MASSIVE thanks to everyone at RHCB for such a great day (and for being amazingly generous!)
Goody Bag:

Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough
Can't wait to read this one! It sounds phenomenal! Also just look at the cover - awesome!
In the Sea there are Crocodiles by Fabio Geda
This sounds remarkable but I have the feeling it might make me cry.
The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens + Notebook
A page-turner in tradition of CS Lewis, JK Rowling and Philip Pullman? Yep, so there!
The Kissing Game by Aidan Chambers
A collection of short stories. Sounds great!
My shelf raid (They all sound so good I couldn't resist!):

Fever by Amy Meredith
Sweet Hearts: Strictly Friends? by Jo Cotteril
Jumping to Confusions by Liz Rettig
Agent 21 by Chris Ryan
The Medici Seal by Theresa Breslin
The Nostradamus Prophecy by Theresa Breslin
Prisoner of the Inquisition by Theresa Breslin
Beauty by Robin McKinley
Selina Penaluna by Jan Page
Hope you all had a great week:)

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
I loved Before I Fall (review here) so I am beyond excited to read this. The finished cover is lovely!
Gladiator: Fight For Freedom by Simon Scarrow
I've never read anything by Simon Scarrow before so I'm interested to see what this will be like.
Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis
The cover is amazing! And it sounds really brilliant and creepy!
Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel (Proof copy)
I can't believe I haven't realised this is a series I might actually really enjoy!
Wuthering Tights by Louise Renninson
Can't wait to read this one!

Loving Spirit: Dreams by Linda Chapman
I really liked the first book in this series (my review is here) so I'm looking forward to catching up with the characters.
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong
I have read this one a while back and really enjoyed it - wanted my own copy.
I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend by Cora Harrison
This looks like great fun!
Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell
Thought this one sounded good. Anyone read it?
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
Loved this book! (see my review here) And it has gold edges! And Karen Mahoney was at a blogger's brunch I attended (see below) so I managed to get this signed. Thanks Karen:)
Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell
People keep telling me this one is really good so when it came into work I decided to get it. Very excited to see if it's as good as everyone says.
Very LaFreak by Rachel Cohn
Sounds different and interesting! Looking forward to seeing what I think of it. Also how much do I love the model's hair? Gorgeous!
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
I've heard some very good things about this one and some not so good. But I really fancy it so hopefully I will love it, and I *so* love the cover - really pretty!
The Only Alien On The Planet by Kristen D. Randle
I'd never heard of this one before but thought it sounded good. Not keen on the cover though:(
The Last Good Place of Lily Odilon by Sara Beitia
Love the cover and thought this sounded really good. Hope it lives up to my expectations!.
Also, I went to RHCB's Blogger's brunch on Saturday, where we all got a goody bag and got to pick some books from their shelves! MASSIVE thanks to everyone at RHCB for such a great day (and for being amazingly generous!)
Goody Bag:

Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough
Can't wait to read this one! It sounds phenomenal! Also just look at the cover - awesome!
In the Sea there are Crocodiles by Fabio Geda
This sounds remarkable but I have the feeling it might make me cry.
The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens + Notebook
A page-turner in tradition of CS Lewis, JK Rowling and Philip Pullman? Yep, so there!
The Kissing Game by Aidan Chambers
A collection of short stories. Sounds great!
My shelf raid (They all sound so good I couldn't resist!):

Fever by Amy Meredith
Sweet Hearts: Strictly Friends? by Jo Cotteril
Jumping to Confusions by Liz Rettig
Agent 21 by Chris Ryan
The Medici Seal by Theresa Breslin
The Nostradamus Prophecy by Theresa Breslin
Prisoner of the Inquisition by Theresa Breslin
Beauty by Robin McKinley
Selina Penaluna by Jan Page
Hope you all had a great week:)
Fab week Sammee - so many books to comment on!
I loved Jumping to Confusions and Everything Beautiful, and I'm so excited to read The Emerald Atlas. I think I'm going to love that one.
Withering Tights is really funny, hope you enjoy. Happy reading!
Wow,what a collection of books. Do you know where to start?
Blimey, so many books :D Your week ROCKED!!!
Everyone seems to have Delirium, I really want it!! Hopefully it'll arrive soon!!!
Happy Reading! x
Great mailbox! Looks like you had a great week! Happy reading!
So many wonderful books - I don't know where to begin commenting on them! Well, I've just this second finished reading Very LeFreak. Can't wait to hear what you think! And I loved Dash & Lily. Oh, and Everything Beautiful is amazing. And Jumping to Confusions is so much fun!
Happy reading!
Wow so many great looking books! I love the cover of Dancing Jax.
Happy reading :)
Wow, you had a great week! I just added a bunch to my TBR. Thanks!
Very LeFreak sounds awesome, will have to add that to my wishlist! An Fallen Angel!
Glad you had fun at RHCB! ;)
Great books! Sounds like the blogger event was a lot of fun :)
Whooo, you've got so many great books this week!! Enjoy =D
Wow - that's loads of books! Everything Beautiful was one of my favourite books when it was released - great read.
The Emerald Atlas looks good - will have to add that to my to read pile!
I'm only a few chapters into Dash & Lily's Book of Dares, and I think it's the best of the Levithan/Cohn collaborations. Enjoy it!
Awesome Haul! I'm waiting for the Iron Witch in the mail :)! Thank you for sharing!
New Follower!
Oh my god! So many great books. I absolutely loved Everything Beautiful! And Simmone Howell was a joy to meet :) I'm really interestedto hear what you think about the Rachel Cohn book, I really want to read more books by her.
Dying to read Dash and Lily. Really, really.
I've read the Summoning and the Nostradamus Prophecy, and both of them were really good! The Summoning (and the whole Darkest Powers trilogy) is one of my favourite books ever! Hope you enjoy!
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