Thursday, 19 August 2010

I want to read that...

The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney

From Goodreads:
Some schools have honor codes.
Others have handbooks.
Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds.

Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers.

In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.

This one sounds sooooo good! I'm really looking forward to it. It's published November 2nd 2010 (US)


Lauren said...

This does sound really good. I can't really work out from the summary exactly what its 'tone' would be, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I'm loving the sound of this. And the cover, for that matter!

Chapter Chicks said...

For some reason I never really paid much attention to this book, BUT after seeing it on your blog I can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

I'm with Lauren, the premise is interesting but I can't work out if this will be a deep and serious book or have a more causal teen tone.


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