Sunday 28 February 2010

New covers: Mediator Series by Meg Cabot

Oooooh! I Love the new covers for the Mediator series. I really love this series and am really pleased they have changed the covers - I think the new ones are fab (and yes I will have to buy them as they are so pretty...) If you haven't read them yet I whole heartedly recommend the series - they are great fun!

What do you think of the new covers?


Jo said...

They remind me a bit of the new-ish Morganville Vampires covers! They are pretty awesome - more likely to catch my eye than the older ones. I have Love You to Death sitting on my shelf, it's been there for ages, but I haven't read it yet. I guess I should pick it up soon! Thanks for reminding me about it :)

TheBookMogul said...

I like these they look really good! I hope they go on offer! lol I have an award for you:

Luisa at Chicklish said...

I love them! I love Meg Cabot and I love these covers! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are pretty cool!!!
I think I got, like, three different version so of the covers -the US ones - and I even got one of the original print as Jenny Carrol.

These are fab though!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I really like them! Thanks for pointing 'em out.


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