Thursday, 25 February 2010

I want to read that...

By Midnight: A ravenwood Mystery by Mia James
From Amazon: April Dunne is not impressed. She's had to move from Edinburgh to Highgate, London, with her parents. She's left her friends - and her entire life - behind. She has to start at a new school and, worst of all, now she's stuck in a creepy old dump of a house which doesn't even have proper mobile phone reception. Ravenwood, her new school, is a prestigious academy for gifted (financially or academically) students - and the only place her parents could find her a place, in the middle of term, in the middle of London, on incredibly short notice. So she's stuck with the super-rich, and the super-smart . . . and trying to fit in is when the rest of the students seem to be more glamorous, smarter, or more talented than she is, is more than tough. It's intimidating and isolating, even when she finds a friend in the conspiracy-theorist Caro Jackson - and perhaps finds something more than friendship in the gorgeous, mysterious Gabriel Swift. But there's more going on at Ravenwood than meets the eye. Practical jokes on new students are normal, but when Gabriel saves her from . . . something . . . . in the Highgate Cemetery, and then she discovers that a murder took place, just yards away from where she had been standing, April has to wonder if something more sinister is going on. . . . and whether or not she's going to live through it . . .

This is published in the UK in May (Hardback). Sounds rather good :)


Unknown said...

What an awesome find! I really love the blurb. Thanks!!!!

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

This sounds pretty good and I lvoe the cover. Though it does look like she's just a floating head!

Unknown said...

Oh wow that does sound good, and the cover is awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds really good. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

I love the cover. Her hair is amazing.

Kath said...

Oh, that sounds really good! Nice pick!

Mandy said...

Sounds amazing, and the cover is, well, amazing. (:

Eleni said...

This one sounds really good, thanks for sharing!

Nina said...

Sounds great! And OMG the cover is absolutley WOW! :)

Lauren said...

This one sounds amazing. At first glance I thought it would be a historical (something to do with the vibes the cover gives off) but that summary intrigues me. Great find!


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