Monday, 15 February 2010

Cover Wars: The Agency by Y S Lee

I really like both of these but there is just something that catches my eye with the US one. It really appeals to me:)


Which do you prefer?


Jo said...

It's got to be the UK one! Look at that dress! And I like the aspect that makes it look like it's been photoshopped rather than being an actual photo - or so it seems. The smoothness? I love it! It's gorgeous!

brizmus said...

I prefer the UK one, I think. The US one is cool, but it doesn't give me a very mystery feel, with the woman in her dress like that.

prophecygirl said...

Hmm... UK, I think. I like the red :)

Keren David said...

I hate those to be the UK one.

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I really like the UK one. Though both fit the story.

Tales of Whimsy said...

I like the one with the girl running. VERY cool!

Helen's Book Blog said...

I definitely like the UK cover better, but that's probably because I am a more modern person in my tastes.

Unknown said...

I like the UK one. It has a sort of mystery to it. The UK one is boring in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I like the one with the girl. Very mysterious.

MissA said...

I like the blurb and the design of the words The Agency on the UK one better but overall I prefer the US version. I love the girl running away and I love how she's in a Victorian outfit, it maes you wonder What woulda proper young lady be running from? :)

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

The US cover is the one that originally attracted me to the series. I think it's the big, shiny font - I love it.

Anna said...

I prefer the UK version - the contrast of the red and the cream, and the bold shapes of the gloves and the key, make this really eye-catching. I think it would stand out on a shelf at a distance better than the US cover, and also work better for online sales, where you only see a small thumbnail version.


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