Thursday 11 August 2011

Boys Don't Cry by Malorie Blackman

For Review: Random House Children's Books
Published: May 2011

From Goodreads:  This is the explosively page-turning new novel for teenagers from the author of the award-winning "Noughts and Crosses" sequence. You're about to receive your A-level results and then a future of university and journalism awaits. But the day they're due to arrive your old girlfriend Kendra turns up unexpectedly ...with a baby ...You assume Kendra's helping a friend, until she nips out to buy some essentials, leaving you literally holding the baby ...Malorie's dramatic new novel will keep you on the edge of your seat right to the final page.

This is a great book and I really enjoyed it.  It was much more than I was expecting.

The story is told by Dante and his brother Adam in alternating viewpoints.  I'm a major fan of this - it can work incredibly well and it certainly does here.  I was equally invested in both stories - and the two narratives complimented each other well.

I must admit that I wasn't sure about Dante at first but he quickly grew on me.  I loved seeing him build a relationship with his daughter and I also enjoyed how it affected his relationship with his father.  I loved Adam straight away and his storyline is really powerful.  I was not expecting it at all  - but I don't want to spoil that storyline for anyone so I think I shouldn't say anymore than that. 

On the basis of this I definitely need to check out more of Malorie Blackman's books!   I found Boy's Don't Cry to be incredibly moving and thought provoking.  Highly recommended!


So Many Books, So Little Time said...

I'm really curious to see how Malorie Blackman pulls off a teen pregnancy story from the guy's point of view.

Cliona said...

I loved this book, you have to read more of Blackman's stuff!


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